Panicked Mask Wearers, Read This NOW

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Watch this research physician tell a congressional panel about miracle drug Ivermectin, which both cures Covid 19 as well as preventing it.
I asked our family doctor to prescribe it for me but at first he would not. I asked again and located a pharmacy which carried it - WalMart, Spectrum.

It is white, 3 mg, about one third the size of an aspirin.
The pharmacist said take one dose on an empty stomach with a glass of water. That's it. The researcher said that hundreds of patients with Covid 19 who took Ivermectin all survived and hundreds more who took it prophylactically did NOT get Covid 19. I took mine yesterday morning, uneventfully.

Ten dollars for three tablets.

For those of you who, like me, are not panicked by the political tyranny:


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Offline irvinehomeowner

Re: Panicked Mask Wearers, Read This NOW
? Reply #1 on: Today at 08:57:23 AM ?

You are ignoring this user.
Sorry there is no evidence this works as a prophylaxis.  I understand that there is a study that touts Ivermectin as a way to inhibit COVID replication, but this study was in in vitro, not in vivo, which makes a huge difference.  There are many studies underway to study this medication as it has been done with previous viral infections, however its a far cry to make the claims you are making right now about the benefits of this medication in regards to COVID.

StarmanMBA said:
Watch this research physician tell a congressional panel about miracle drug Ivermectin, which both cures Covid 19 as well as preventing it.
I asked our family doctor to prescribe it for me but at first he would not. I asked again and located a pharmacy which carried it - WalMart, Spectrum.

It is white, 3 mg, about one third the size of an aspirin.
The pharmacist said take one dose on an empty stomach with a glass of water. That's it. The researcher said that hundreds of patients with Covid 19 who took Ivermectin all survived and hundreds more who took it prophylactically did NOT get Covid 19. I took mine yesterday morning, uneventfully.

Ten dollars for three tablets.

For those of you who, like me, are not panicked by the political tyranny:
StarmanMBA said:
Offline irvinehomeowner

Re: Panicked Mask Wearers, Read This NOW
? Reply #1 on: Today at 08:57:23 AM ?

You are ignoring this user.

So you are saying you are unwilling to have a discussion with me and several others? Why post if you aren't interested in discussing these topics with people who have a different perspective?

Not sure it's fair that you can post fake news and then not defend those posts. This is a "Talk" Irvine... but I guess you just want to rant and call everyone names.
StarmanMBA said:
Watch this research physician tell a congressional panel about miracle drug Ivermectin, which both cures Covid 19 as well as preventing it.
I asked our family doctor to prescribe it for me but at first he would not. I asked again and located a pharmacy which carried it - WalMart, Spectrum.

It is white, 3 mg, about one third the size of an aspirin.
The pharmacist said take one dose on an empty stomach with a glass of water. That's it. The researcher said that hundreds of patients with Covid 19 who took Ivermectin all survived and hundreds more who took it prophylactically did NOT get Covid 19. I took mine yesterday morning, uneventfully.

Ten dollars for three tablets.

For those of you who, like me, are not panicked by the political tyranny:

Only if the world was made aware of this med back in March. We'd have saved millions of lives. And sucks for the mfr. of this medicine to not become an instantaneous trillion-dollar company.
Cornflakes said:
StarmanMBA said:
Watch this research physician tell a congressional panel about miracle drug Ivermectin, which both cures Covid 19 as well as preventing it.
I asked our family doctor to prescribe it for me but at first he would not. I asked again and located a pharmacy which carried it - WalMart, Spectrum.

It is white, 3 mg, about one third the size of an aspirin.
The pharmacist said take one dose on an empty stomach with a glass of water. That's it. The researcher said that hundreds of patients with Covid 19 who took Ivermectin all survived and hundreds more who took it prophylactically did NOT get Covid 19. I took mine yesterday morning, uneventfully.

Ten dollars for three tablets.

For those of you who, like me, are not panicked by the political tyranny:

Only if the world was made aware of this med back in March. We'd have saved millions of lives. And sucks for the mfr. of this medicine to not become an instantaneous trillion-dollar company.

Covid-19 and Ivermectin Intended for Animals

According to the fda website

This medication is used to treat certain parasitic roundworm infections. Curing parasitic infections helps to improve your quality of life. In people with weakened defense (immune) systems, curing roundworm infections can reduce the risk of developing a severe or life-threatening infection. Ivermectin belongs to a class of drugs known as antihelmintics. It works by paralyzing and killing parasites.

If it can kill worms, it should be able to kill virus. After all, a virus is much smaller than a worm. :P
I will take the vaccine over a drug for an animal. (according to the experts)

Is this another way for people avoiding the vaccine? Maybe lol
kpatnps said:
Sorry there is no evidence this works as a prophylaxis.  There are many studies underway to study this medication as it has been done with previous viral infections, however its a far cry to make the claims you are making right now about the benefits of this medication in regards to COVID.

I made NO claims.  A research physician made them.  This hateful congregation consistently puts its words into other people's mouths and then proceeds to attack them for the words they/you put in  their mouths. 

Very poor form. Very unintelligent and unethical, but then again.....

?Seriously people ? STOP BUYING MASKS!?  - Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, Feb 29, 2020
?There?s no reason to be walking around with a mask.  When you?re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make more people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it?s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is.? ? Dr. Anthony Fauci, March 8, 2020
?WHO stands by the recommendation to not wear masks if you are not sick or not caring for someone who is sick,? CNN reported on March 30, 2020
?We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection? in many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.? ? New England Journal of Medicine, April 1, 2020
A single Sars-Cov-2 virus is about 0.1 micron
The vast majority of particles, 80 ? 90%, in exhaled breath are smaller than a micron, and pass through masks like dust through a screen.  Masks have almost no chance of catching most of the particles we exhale.
?Surgical masks should not be used for respiratory protection.? ? ?Filtration Performance of FDA-Cleared Surgical Masks, 2009 paper
?Measures such as physical distancing by 6 feet would not be helpful in an indoor setting, provide a false sense of security, and lead to exposures and outbreaks.? ? International  Journal of Infectious Diseases, November 2020
The four most important words in medicine are ?First, do no harm.?  Disruptions, social  distancing, closure  of schools, businesses, government agencies, travel, and life as we know it have done profound harm, psychologically, emotionally, financially, legally, and medically.
?We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission.? ? Emerging Infectious Diseases, a Centers for Disease Control Journal

Researchers in Vietnam found healthcare workers who wore cloth masks were more likely to develop infections than those who wore surgical masks as well as a third control group who were not required to wear masks at all.

Mask wearing ?did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, the incidence of Sars-Cov-2 infection.? ? Danish study, covering approximately 5,000 people, November 18, 2020
?My mask protects you,? goes one virtue signaling mantra ? No it does not.  ?An epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers,? said Dr. Anthony Fauci at a January press conference

Asymptomatic transmission ?is very rare.? Maria Van Kerkhove, senior World Health Organization scientist, June 8, 2020

Four studies showed that ?between 0% and 2.2% of people with asymptomatic infection infected anyone else.? ? World Health Organization, July 2020

?The widespread use of masks by healthy people is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence.? World Health Organization, June 5, 2020
?I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that?s the kind of thing you should be doing.? ? May 27, 2020
Virtue signaling politics, not medicine, not science.

"Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted." - Dr. Donald Henderson, leader of the successful effort to eradicate smallpox
Nobody is more panicked than Asians.  Sorry but facts are facts.
They have a tendency to throw their masks down in shopping centers before getting into their cars, and with them, their rubber gloves.  Nice.

Why not add littering to panic and squandered mask money.
StarmanMBA said:
Watch this research physician tell a congressional panel about miracle drug Ivermectin, which both cures Covid 19 as well as preventing it.
I asked our family doctor to prescribe it for me but at first he would not. I asked again and located a pharmacy which carried it - WalMart, Spectrum.

It is white, 3 mg, about one third the size of an aspirin.
The pharmacist said take one dose on an empty stomach with a glass of water. That's it. The researcher said that hundreds of patients with Covid 19 who took Ivermectin all survived and hundreds more who took it prophylactically did NOT get Covid 19. I took mine yesterday morning, uneventfully.

Ten dollars for three tablets.

For those of you who, like me, are not panicked by the political tyranny:

I have a Republican uncle who, a couple months ago, swore by this snake oil. Although there have been some research saying it may be beneficial, there hasn't been definitive proof that it "cures" or "prevents" Covid... He shipped us a tube of it recently and it has an explicit message "for horse consumption only". I'll err on the side of caution and avoid something that has so little research done on it, thank you.

Oh, that uncle ended up getting covid by the way and he's still dealing with some long term effects of it.
GenericIrvineResident said:
StarmanMBA said:
Watch this research physician tell a congressional panel about miracle drug Ivermectin, which both cures Covid 19 as well as preventing it.
I asked our family doctor to prescribe it for me but at first he would not. I asked again and located a pharmacy which carried it - WalMart, Spectrum.

It is white, 3 mg, about one third the size of an aspirin.
The pharmacist said take one dose on an empty stomach with a glass of water. That's it. The researcher said that hundreds of patients with Covid 19 who took Ivermectin all survived and hundreds more who took it prophylactically did NOT get Covid 19. I took mine yesterday morning, uneventfully.

Ten dollars for three tablets.

For those of you who, like me, are not panicked by the political tyranny:

I have a Republican uncle who, a couple months ago, swore by this snake oil. Although there have been some research saying it may be beneficial, there hasn't been definitive proof that it "cures" or "prevents" Covid... He shipped us a tube of it recently and it has an explicit message "for horse consumption only". I'll err on the side of caution and avoid something that has so little research done on it, thank you.

Oh, that uncle ended up getting covid by the way and he's still dealing with some long term effects of it.

Sorry to hear that. Even though I am against the misinformation and lies about the no mask movement. I hope your uncle gets better.