Pacific Coast Triathlon - Sept 7

Will any other IHB'ers be in the Pacific Coast Triathlon this Sunday? It is in Crystal Cove State Beach just North of Laguna. The PCT is the biggest triathlon in Orange County from what I understand. Registration is still available too!

The course is a 1/2 mile ocean swim, 12mi bike ride, and 3mi run...all along the beautiful beach & PCH!
[quote author="flmgrip" date=1220408975]have not swum for 3 months, biked not for the last two, but i did run a 1:33 half marathon last weekend</blockquote>

Solid time, not bad for 13 miles.

The bike and run portion of the triathlon seem pretty easy.

The half mile ocean swim is a real problem.

Unless I?m able to draft behind someone, it?s easy to run out of gas on the swim.
did two laps in the pool today and i almost died, i might be in for an interesting swim this sunday... last year i was almost dead last after the swim - breast stroke all the way - but i worked my way to the front on the bike and run
How did everyone do?

There were a million people this year. Probably over 1000 participants and 3-4000 spectators. The organization was really good and it stayed nice and cool the whole time. Now if only I could get a photographer to take a descent action shot....
i must have been one of the last guys out of the water... the nice thing about that is that you get to pass a lot of your age-groupers on the bike and the run... must have been at least 50...