OC Elementary School

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We are relocating to OC and our kid will be going to KG in 2019. I am looking into Irvine (Turtle Elementary), Newport Coast (Newport Coast Elementary) and Laguna Beach (Top of the World, El Morro Elementary). I am also considering future Middle/High School. My wife loves Newport Coast area and we can afford any neighborhood. Could you kindly provide some insight where to rent (and later buy) home so that kids could get the best public school education and prepared for Stanford/ivy league? We will highly appreciate your advice.
The rumor on Talk Irvine is that possibly you have a greater chance in getting into an Ivy League school if your child attends a school that test scores are not too high, bad area kind of, and of course with a fee waiver for the application fee.

Hook up route:
It doesn?t hurt if your a legacy or affiliated with a big time donor or your family member is famous.

Accomplished route:
On a different note the Parkland shooting survivor did not get into UT Austin or UCLA. But he recently got accepted into Harvard. Here are his accomplishments:
Public speaking, help write a book, help found a non profit

Irvine, Newport Coast, and Laguna Beach are the only areas we are considering, so it's one of the schools in those zones. A school where a child  will appreciate hard work and humility
alikakbar said:
Irvine, Newport Coast, and Laguna Beach are the only areas we are considering, so it's one of the schools in those zones. A school where a child  will appreciate hard work and humility

So are you saying that only a kid that attend schools in that area only work hard and have humility?

I could be wrong, but I don't think any of those schools will help a child to appreciate humility. That's usually a parent's job.  If you can afford any of those neighborhoods, you might want to consider private schools.
Loco_local said:
I could be wrong, but I don't think any of those schools will help a child to appreciate humility. That's usually a parent's job.  If you can afford any of those neighborhoods, you might want to consider private schools.

I am not sure why going to private school will help with humility. 
We can afford Private but we absolutely prefer Public School. Just have to make a decision between Irvine, Laguna Beach, and Newport Coast elementary schools.
alikakbar said:
We can afford Private but we absolutely prefer Public School. Just have to make a decision between Irvine, Laguna Beach, and Newport Coast elementary schools.

Those three are very different in demographics and age.  Irvine is relatively new while Laguna and NB-Mesa are pretty old.  Obviously, a lot more Asians in Irvine versus predominantly white in LB and NB-Mesa.  LB and NB-Mesa are actually more "middle class" as most of the rich people in those districts have their kids go to private school. 

Irvine is the "best" of the three especially if you are zoned into Northwood, Uni, and probably Portola.
NB-Mesa is "average"
LB has only one high school and it is pretty good. 

With those things said...none of those schools are going to give you an advantage to Ivy's.  It does not work work that way.  Ivy's do not take that many applicants and thus can be much more selective, which means they look far far beyond grades and SAT scores.  They are in fact trending away from academic factors for non-academic ones such as leadership, innovation, passion, and personality.  Those are the factors that are much more important in the 21st century. 
Thank you, @Irvinecommuter. This is the answer, we were looking for. Agree 100% leadership, innovation, passion, and personality are the traits that matter the most. Grades/SAT/School are just one of the variables. A great school creates a great environment and high-performance culture. I think your response could help me to focus on Turtle Rock (Turtle Rock or Vista Verde Elementary) and then Uni High School. Any thoughts on LB (Top of the world or El Morro) and then Laguna High School?