NY Times interactive tool: The Jobless Rate for People Like You


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<A href="http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/11/06/business/economy/unemployment-lines.html?hp">http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/11/06/business/economy/unemployment-lines.html?hp</A>

I remember being told, as a high school student, that college graduates earn more than those without a degree. That should have been enough to motivate me to get a degree, but I didn't stick with it.

Looking at this chart, it is also apparent that having a college degree helps you keep your job when others are being laid off. So, congrats to all you college graduates with jobs!
I think this report didn't receive the attention it deserved. I spoke with my husband about it and it provides a great lesson for our students. I will be passing it along to other teachers at my school.