Numbers in Chinese culture


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How much significance is put on the address of a house in terms of a lucky or unlucky number?

If so can you rate these numbers?


rickr said:
How much significance is put on the address of a house in terms of a lucky or unlucky number?

If so can you rate these numbers?



there are many dialects spoken by Chinese people; using Mandarin (official language) I don't see any difference in the first 4 numbers. 64 is a BIG NO NO by the Chinese government (search Tiananmen Square Massacre). You can go to jail by that in China.
akula1488 said:
rickr said:
How much significance is put on the address of a house in terms of a lucky or unlucky number?

If so can you rate these numbers?



there are many dialects spoken by Chinese people; using Mandarin (official language) I don't see any difference in the first 4 numbers. 64 is a BIG NO NO by the Chinese government (search Tiananmen Square Massacre). You can go to jail by that in China.

Ha, No wonder the house we looked at with the 64 address had the most incentives. The sales folkes were moaning and groaning about what a bad number it is.

I am second generation but can speak (two dialects) and read the language.

The short answer to your question - all those numbers look fine, especially if the property is desirable! No major deal breaker spotted. :)

I don't know if 6-4 would be that bad with mainland Chinese buyers because the Tiananmen square massacre is not known inside the country and may not mean a thing unless they have ties with the communist party? But then I cannot be sure since this is based on my knowledge from following the Taiwan/Hong Kong media.

A really picky/superstitious buyer may not like 64 (because of the "4" = death) but I doubt that would be much of an issue with most Chinese, especially those who have lived here for a long time. I cannot guarantee how much the Chinese FCBers would mind the single "4" though.

"7" (in 127) sounds like a swear word in one of the Chinese dialects but again, I doubt that would be an issue because most Chinese in the OC are Mandarin-speaking Chinese.

You may ask how favorable are 131 and 130 - well, not very because there is only one '3'. If it's 333 or 888 or even 133 or 331 that may make a difference. This said, I know many of my kind are trying to avoid these numbers these days (myself included) because of the superstition associated with them.

As a side note, some people may have their unique lucky / unlucky number(s) given by their fortune teller and you won't be able to predict what they are!

If I must rate these numbers like rotten tomatoes:
(first # = my preference, second # = my guess for the number-sensitive gang)
126= 75%, 75%-80% (some like the #6)
127= 75%, 70% (some don't like odd #s)
131= 80% (easy to remember!), 80%-85%
130 = 75%, 75%-80%
64= 75%, don't know for sure

Hope this helps...
Note: When I said 'not known', I was referring to the average Joe ...

Quoting myself: "I don't know if 6-4 would be that bad with mainland Chinese buyers because the Tiananmen square massacre is not known inside the country and may not mean a thing unless they have ties with the communist party?"
rickr said:
How much significance is put on the address of a house in terms of a lucky or unlucky number?

If so can you rate these numbers?


From the knowledge that my asian buyers have pasted on to me I would probably stay away from 64.  Too bad none of them have an 8 but maybe put 131 near the top of the list as the total is 8. 
What's the context? Are you deciding between those units?

I think they're all fine. If you want to be picky, 64 would be the worst. Are you just curious or would like to know for future resale to Chinese buyers? If it's the latter, you may want to look into Feng-sui (sp?) as well then.

2 big no no for Asian buyers: having a 4 in the house number. Having the front door face directly to the end of a street.
USCTrojanCPA said:
From the knowledge that my asian buyers have pasted on to me I would probably stay away from 64.  Too bad none of them have an 8 but maybe put 131 near the top of the list as the total is 8. 

Isn't the total of 131 Five?

All the numbers except 64 look fine. Not fantastic but ok. Since 8, 88 and 168 are not available, you should check feng shui of each house instead of numbers. 
MonsterMom said:
USCTrojanCPA said:
From the knowledge that my asian buyers have pasted on to me I would probably stay away from 64.  Too bad none of them have an 8 but maybe put 131 near the top of the list as the total is 8. 

Isn't the total of 131 Five?

All the numbers except 64 look fine. Not fantastic but ok. Since 8, 88 and 168 are not available, you should check feng shui of each house instead of numbers.'s been a long day today dealing with idiot listing agents. 
Yes, to clarify, it is between units/home addresses, and it would be for future resale.

Wherever I do buy, I plan on staying long term but just want to have all my basis covered just in case. I know everyone says if you love the house and it makes financial sense, I should not worry. But I can tend to be a bit paranoid.

ucla bruin said:
What's the context? Are you deciding between those units?

I think they're all fine. If you want to be picky, 64 would be the worst. Are you just curious or would like to know for future resale to Chinese buyers? If it's the latter, you may want to look into Feng-sui (sp?) as well then.

2 big no no for Asian buyers: having a 4 in the house number. Having the front door face directly to the end of a street.
ucla bruin said:
What's the context? Are you deciding between those units?

I think they're all fine. If you want to be picky, 64 would be the worst. Are you just curious or would like to know for future resale to Chinese buyers? If it's the latter, you may want to look into Feng-sui (sp?) as well then.

2 big no no for Asian buyers: having a 4 in the house number. Having the front door face directly to the end of a street.

Yep.  The house I sold in Irvine had a 4 in it and it actually scared away a potential full price buyer.
I spoke to my neighbor who had an 8 prominently in his address And he told me an Asian renter actually offered him more rent per month than he was asking just to live in a house with a 8 in it.

I did end up selling my house to a FCB.  A Korean FCB since they could care less about the number 4.
rickr said:
Yes, to clarify, it is between units/home addresses, and it would be for future resale.

Wherever I do buy, I plan on staying long term but just want to have all my basis covered just in case. I know everyone says if you love the house and it makes financial sense, I should not worry. But I can tend to be a bit paranoid.

ucla bruin said:
What's the context? Are you deciding between those units?

I think they're all fine. If you want to be picky, 64 would be the worst. Are you just curious or would like to know for future resale to Chinese buyers? If it's the latter, you may want to look into Feng-sui (sp?) as well then.

2 big no no for Asian buyers: having a 4 in the house number. Having the front door face directly to the end of a street.

Other things to look for: stair case facing the front door. Straight line between front and back door. Maybe look into Feng-Shui. Might be important which direction the unit is facing. A friend of mine, who is an Asian buyer, has a strong preference for even house numbers. Not sure why. You can't predict who your buyer's going to be. Even if their Asian, they might not put much emphasis on stuff like that. I think that you'd agree the look and feel of a home are much more important. Besides, like you said, you're the one that's going to be living in it.

If the 5 units are identical in every way, other than unit numbers. I'd go with 127 (lucky #7?) or 131 (I like symmetry). Your pick!  ;D
All I know is 4 is bad (something like the character or pronunciation is similar to "death") and 8 is good.

Which is funny... because 8 is 4 twice.
Thanks everyone for your input. I am going to just select the one we liked the most (Which was not 64) :)
