No, it?s Biden

Nude's wife, a lifelong Democrat, says "You have got to be f***ing kidding me! That was the worst person possible to pick and just shows that Obama thinks he can choose whomever he wants and the voters are just going to accept it."

Personally, I agree with her. Biden doesn't help him win over Hillary's contingent of voters and it's only a matter of time before the campaign has to issue some damage control because Biden shot his mouth off. It's also a little eerie to read things like "The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden could help offset Obama's relative inexperience in foreign policy" on the <a href=",0,7564344.story">LAT website</a>; for those with a short memory, the knock on Bush in 2000 was his lack of foreign experience, Beltway experience, rather light resume as an executive. Bush's choice of Dick Cheney as Veep was hailed as an brilliant move because he filled in the gaps in Bush's experience. Not that I am comparing Cheney to Biden, but the feeling of <a href="">Deja Moo</a> is inescapable. He should have chosen Hillary and locked the election up.
Nude, you are missing the bigger picture. With Biden on the ticket, Obambi has a legitimate shot at carrying Deleware!
It's spelled DELAWARE and you are quickly turning yourself into the green_cactus of the right. His name is Obama, he might be the next President, so have a little class and show some respect for the man rather than just channeling Ann Coulter, k?
Blech. Biden (D-MBNA)** is not a good choice. Now you've got two senators on the ticket, and no one with any executive experience. And goodness yes, Mrs. Nude is correct about Biden's "off the cuff" remarks. No one finds them "refreshing" or "honest," and after 30 or so years in DC, you would think he would have learned to have contained himself by now. And with the economic and banking crises we have right now, having their handmaiden as VP is not wise. Bayh isn't perfect, but he certainly has executive experience as well as Senate experience. Clinton obviously didn't have foreign policy experience when elected, but managed to fill in the gaps with experienced advisers (whether one agreed with their conclusions is another matter). When I saw the rumors last night, I was hoping they were all wrong. I am disappointed that they were not.

**At least he was before MBNA was sold to . . . who was it? B of A?
[quote author="Nude" date=1219513680]It's spelled DELAWARE and you are quickly turning yourself into the green_cactus of the right. His name is Obama, he might be the next President, so have a little class and show some respect for the man rather than just channeling Ann Coulter, k?</blockquote>

Sorry about the typo. (Delaware) That's what I get for being on the net at 3:30 in the morning.

Of course my references to Obambi are intentional, not typos.

But that isn't channeling Ann Coulter. Maureen O'Dowd (of all people!) actually came up with the name.

There are a lot worse things that I can point out about Obambi other than his naivety and inexperience. But those will have to wait until closer to the election.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1219514377]Thank you for pointing that out's getting old.</blockquote>

I believe that was the first time I misspelled Delaware. But I'll watch it in the future.
<em>Nude, you are missing the bigger picture. With Biden on the ticket, Obambi has a legitimate shot at carrying Deleware! </em>

It's all about Scranton, Pennsylvania Whinex.
[quote author="Nude" date=1219506334]Nude's wife, a lifelong Democrat, says "You have got to be f***ing kidding me! That was the worst person possible to pick and just shows that Obama thinks he can choose whomever he wants and the voters are just going to accept it."

Personally, I agree with her. Biden doesn't help him win over Hillary's contingent of voters and it's only a matter of time before the campaign has to issue some damage control because Biden shot his mouth off. It's also a little eerie to read things like "The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden could help offset Obama's relative inexperience in foreign policy" on the <a href=",0,7564344.story">LAT website</a>; for those with a short memory, the knock on Bush in 2000 was his lack of foreign experience, Beltway experience, rather light resume as an executive. Bush's choice of Dick Cheney as Veep was hailed as an brilliant move because he filled in the gaps in Bush's experience. Not that I am comparing Cheney to Biden, but the feeling of <a href="">Deja Moo</a> is inescapable. He should have chosen Hillary and locked the election up.</blockquote>

Agree with everything except that Hillary would be a better choice... Here are some reasons why Biden is a poor choice :
It's been two weeks since Barack named Joe Biden as VP. The conventions are over, the speeches have been made, and both campaigns are back out on the trail. I've poured over all the analysis on blogs, cable news, and websites and I still don't get it: why didn't Barack pick Hillary Clinton as the Vice-President? I don't mean in light of the Palin pick, I mean from a purely political standpoint Joe Biden doesn't help him win any more votes. In contrast, Hillary would have made this election a lock for the Democrats and I haven't heard any reason for her being almost ignored for the #2 spot on the ticket. Can anyone on the left (I'm really not interested in right-wing slams, so don't bother typing them out) explain why Obama didn't choose Clinton?
[quote author="Nude" date=1220658224]Can anyone on the left (I'm really not interested in right-wing slams, so don't bother typing them out) explain why Obama didn't choose Clinton?</blockquote>

Because then if he'd won, his life would have been hell having to deal with her and Bill. Too much energy would be spent trying to make sure people knew he was President and not either or both of the Clintons.

I am not from the left normally, but I am voting for Obama. the Republicans need to be punished and no matter how "different" McCain is claiming to be, he has definitely been a part of the problem and a big part of the GOP party.

I am not sure why Obama didn't pick Hillary, except that maybe she might be seen as counter productive - in that she has a particular way of doing things and he wants things done his way? Don't actually know. Hillary had quite a bit of baggage that could have been used against them, perhaps, and remember a while back, the right wing talk people were trying to get Hillary to be the candidate, so it seems like they viewed her as having vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

I do want to share something that I saw today for some additional perspective:

<strong>When Barack Obama was a community organizer, Sarah Palin was a beauty queen.

When he was a law professor, Sarah Palin was a sportscaster.

When he was an Illinois state legislator, she was a city council member of a town of 5,000.

When he became a US Senator, she became mayor of that same small town.

She became Alaska governor around the same time that he started running for President. The entire state of Alaska, BTW, has about 10% of the population of the greater Chicago metro area.

I think someone with such a thin resume is skating on even thinner ice by disparaging another's perceived inexperience.</strong>;=&recscode=2
[quote author="NoWowway" date=1220684678]Nude,

I am not from the left normally, but I am voting for Obama. the Republicans need to be punished and no matter how "different" McCain is claiming to be, he has definitely been a part of the problem and a big part of the GOP party.

I am not sure why Obama didn't pick Hillary, except that maybe she might be seen as counter productive - in that she has a particular way of doing things and he wants things done his way? Don't actually know. Hillary had quite a bit of baggage that could have been used against them, perhaps, and remember a while back, the right wing talk people were trying to get Hillary to be the candidate, so it seems like they viewed her as having vulnerabilities that could be exploited.</blockquote>
Thanks for the insight. I agree that Hillary had a ton of baggage, but she also had a ton of supporters and overcame that baggage for the most part.

<blockquote>I do want to share something that I saw today for some additional perspective:

<strong>When Barack Obama was a community organizer, Sarah Palin was a beauty queen.

When he was a law professor, Sarah Palin was a sportscaster.

When he was an Illinois state legislator, she was a city council member of a town of 5,000.

When he became a US Senator, she became mayor of that same small town.

She became Alaska governor around the same time that he started running for President. The entire state of Alaska, BTW, has about 10% of the population of the greater Chicago metro area.

I think someone with such a thin resume is skating on even thinner ice by disparaging another's perceived inexperience.</strong>;=&recscode=2</blockquote>
You might want to go correct the person who posted this, because the dates don't match up at all.

Barack was working for Business International Corp. and NYPIRG in NYC when Palin won Miss Wasilla in 1984.

Barack had just entered Harvard Law School when Palin was a sportscaster in 1988.

Barack had just begun teaching Constitutional Law at University of Chicago when Palin won her first election to the Wasilla City Council.

Barack won his first election as state Senator the same year that Palin won her first Mayoral race.

Barack was running for his current U.S. Senate seat when Palin was resigning from her Chairmanship of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission so she could legally file a formal complaint against a fellow commissioner (who was then the head of the state Republican party) charging him with corruption and causing his resignation.

Alaska might have a smaller population than Chicago, but that only provided Palin the executive experience of running a government that Obama completely lacks.

All of that info is easily available from wikipedia.