New Homes Matte White Standard Counters


New member
I have seen many of the new home developments in Irvine are offering a matte white solid surface counter-top for the bathrooms.  I believe it's a type of cultured marble (or other man-made resin-type surface). 

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with that material in bathroom counters...  Does it stain easily?  Is it hard to clean?  Is it something that would need to be upgraded to some other stone slab in the upgrade process? 

It does stain.  Picks up water spots that are impossible to get off.  I'm going to replace mine after I get a little more mileage out of them.
It's pretty much the worst for stains.  You can't seal it and they stain permanently.  Just use until you cannot bare them any more.
Irvinecommuter said:
It's pretty much the worst for stains.  You can't seal it and they stain permanently.  Just use until you cannot bare them any more.

gaogi said:
It does stain.  Picks up water spots that are impossible to get off.  I'm going to replace mine after I get a little more mileage out of them.

This is what I'm worried about.  I don't mind the look--like the clean white with dark cabinets.  But in talking to some of the sales people, it sounds like it will be around $8K to upgrade just the master bath and downstairs bath/powder room to a low level stone through the builder. 

I have some in my house... they are over 10 years old and look fine.

Mine are semi-shiny though (so more stain resistant), I think the ones in the new homes are more opaque (and thus could be porous?).
Irvinehomeowner Prime said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I have some in my house... they are over 10 years old and look fine.

Mine are semi-shiny though (so more stain resistant), I think the ones in the new homes are more opaque (and thus could be porous?).

Not admitting to any zubazz pants in your closet, eh?

I had to google what those were but to my delight I used to wear those!  My mom would make them custom for me when I was a kid.  They went well with my mullet which was a must have as it flared so nicely out of the back of my dirt bike helmet.
There is a product called Gel Gloss

It works great on cleaning cultured marble.  I use it all the time and it definitely does the job. Terry at the design center recommended it to me. 

When I moved into my home, the customer satisfaction fellow told me to use wax for cars and wax the counter top. I did, it's worked well for a while, but as on cars after some cleanings the wax begins to strip and you'll have to reapply. The premise is that it fills in the pores in the "cultured marble". So far so good for me