New Build in Irvine--,toxic fumes

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I bought a new home from a developer one of the nations largest,.about 1 year ago, with the settlement from my spouse who passed away in a car crash with a drunken driver. This home is where I want to raise my boys.

The builder standard cabinetry is still off gassing a sickly sweet some a year later. There are entire rooms I can't go into, this includes the closets with cabinetry, all the bathroom have this smell when the fan is turned off, the bedrooms with cabinetry, etc.

The builder doesn't believe me (they sent some woman y who clearly smelled it and claimed not to), the plumber came.and checked for leaks, nada..

I don't use chemicals to clean, just vinegar baking soda and alcohol and Mr clean earsers. I know for a fact it's the cabinetry..

What should I do at this point?  It's the entire kitchen, all the bathrooms, and a bedroom. The ones with cabinets..

I can not leave the window closed for more than a few hours.

Yes, i offgassed it by heating up the home, vented for a month before move in, etc etc.nothing works.

Should I contact a lawyer at this point?. Get some type of certified air test?

What are my next steps????
