Missing mountain top?


New member
hello.  I'm new here, and created an account to get an answer:  when you're driving North on Jeffrey, and look up at the mountaintop, there is a cleared area where it looks like the mountain has been sheared off.  It goes from pretty, tree-filled mountain, to flat dirt brown area.  Does anyone know what this is all about?  It looks terrible. Is it going to keep getting bigger and bigger?
Landslide remediation

In April 2014 an additional landslide (?East Loma Landslide?), estimated at a volume of 500,000 cubic yards, occurred within the East Flank Landslide Remediation Project area. The landslide was due to field conditions and extended into the public trail system within the OC Parks property boundary and beyond the interim grading permit for the East Flank Landslide Remediation Project. To mitigate this unanticipated East Loma Landslide, and stabilize the construction site and OC Parks trail system, the unstable material must be removed, graded, buttressed, and compacted to re-establish the slope and return the area to a safe condition. The East Loma Landslide remediation project must be completed to reinstate the public trail system and allow the current Contractor, Wood Bros., Inc., to continue with construction on the East Flank Landslide Remediation Project at Frank R. Bowerman Landfill which will provide for future landfill disposal
Beaglgirl said:
hello.  I'm new here, and created an account to get an answer:  when you're driving North on Jeffrey, and look up at the mountaintop, there is a cleared area where it looks like the mountain has been sheared off.  It goes from pretty, tree-filled mountain, to flat dirt brown area.  Does anyone know what this is all about?  It looks terrible. Is it going to keep getting bigger and bigger?

You're talking about the huge scar on the hill, visible from miles away, right? Welcome to the garbage dump. Irvine is home to one of the largest landfills in California and 9th largest in the United States.
SoCal said:
Beaglgirl said:
hello.  I'm new here, and created an account to get an answer:  when you're driving North on Jeffrey, and look up at the mountaintop, there is a cleared area where it looks like the mountain has been sheared off.  It goes from pretty, tree-filled mountain, to flat dirt brown area.  Does anyone know what this is all about?  It looks terrible. Is it going to keep getting bigger and bigger?

You're talking about the huge scar on the hill, visible from miles away, right? Welcome to the garbage dump. Irvine is home to one of the largest landfills in California and 9th largest in the United States.

Irvine's got it all, great university, top public schools, master planned communities, centrally located, and now to find out the claim to the largest landfill in CA...? Whoa...
Talk-irvinese wear that scar like a badge of honor. It is the source of endless amusement because we can't blame anyone on that one.
Isn't Newport coast built on a land fill?  Those people should be totally messed up by now...with cancer and disease.
Just a landfill. Weak. Irvine has a bigger landfill and a methane plant to boot. Take that Newport. 

Wait, that's not a good thing.
I was thinking about the benefits of living in a litigious society.  The USA is a very litigious society relative to other countries.
It makes landfills and jails easier to live by..because if shit goes down, whoever gets hurt is gonna sue for millions.

