McCain unsure of how many houses he owns

[quote author="acpme" date=1219799182]just because one brother is famous why should he be responsible for some half brother he's met once on another continent.</blockquote>

Against my better judgement, I'm going to jump in here. Let me quailfy by saying I am a registered Democrat (getting around to updating that to Independent) who is totally dissatisfied with both Obama and McCain, and probably won't vote for either one. I wish I didn't hate Bob Barr, too.

But since we are talking about Obama...what bothers me is that he and his 'believers' tout this "Change we can believe in", but all I see is more of the same in a new package. He is like all the other politicians, with nice speeches overflowng with hypocricy.

...Maybe the down and out half brother in Kenya would not bother me as much if he had not quoted scripture at Saddleback to the tune of "Whatever you do for me you do for the least of my brothers". Yeah, right.

...Maybe his wife would not irk me as much if they didn't tout her job last night like she was doing community volunteer work for a hospital out of the goodness of her heart --- when in reality she has a $350k job at the University of Chicago Hospital with a primary purpose of diverting (I mean educating) poor folks to go somewhere other than the U of Chicago ER when they have a health problem. Her job would seem to represent the VERY thing that is wrong with our health system, which of course he is going to fix for all of us. Hyopcrisy.

....Maybe it would not bother me so much that he takes non-stands on controversial issues (like voting present 120 times) if he did not preach about how he is a new kind of politician who is going to change the world. Pluuzzeee...He is more of the same. The only change about him is the package he comes in. Just a another hypocrite with a new face.
So... correction time.

I was wrong on the state of Arugula faring in Iowa. I got my info from a blog that has since been edited, but my cached link had not.

I was not implying that graphrix was claiming Obama isn't arrogant, just that he apparently was willing to overlook it while complaining about McCain. I was not stating your opinion for you, just inferred it from your own argument.

I was not defending McCain's ownership of "X" number of houses, his wealth, or his lifestyle, but simply pointing out that there are a plethora of reasons why he wouldn't know and the expectation that he should know is completely subjective.
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<a href="">The real reason Mexicans aren't polling for Obama. I wonder if he eats grapes too.</a>
Some people hold grudges. Why let the facts get in the way of a good story?

Ask me sometime how my wife's existance is thanks to Cesar Chavez. Then ask me about the bus full of 'scab' workers I watched the UFW burn to the ground on Lassen Avenue in about 1974.
If McCain thought it was a priority to know, he would have known. The real question is whether he should have made it a priority to know.

If you can argue that he should have known, then you will have a salient point to use against McCain in the general.

If you believe, and Americans believe, that it isn't a priority to know, then this will just be a quirky story with no real decisive political impact.

I do not think that this worked out all bad for McCain. He got to reintroduce Rezko (is there anyting more emblamatic of the housing problem than Obama's desire for a home he can't afford, and entering into a shady purchase agreement to make the deal work?). This discussion also took Obama away from the work they need to do to win: Obama needs to move from a movement campaign hoping to run out the clock to a campaign with actual policies - and no, explaining both sides of an issue really well is not the same as having a policy. It is a little bit late to be formulating and explaining policy (this usually happens during the primaries, but is is not often that you have a combination of great oratorical skill and the opponent with the highest negatives since, well, forever - I guess policies were rendered moot), and they do not have time to waste.

The tracking pools have improved for McCain since his mis-statement and the Biden pick. Apparently the house issue hasn't had traction:
[quote author="Anonymous" date=1220011330]Even the reporters on different newspapers can't figure out how many houses McCain owns ...</blockquote>

He owns nine homes, but Obama's the elitist... Right.

Yet, age inappropriate Cindy McCain was rocking nearly a million dollars worth of designer clothing at the RNC.

Yup, Obama and Michelle, them folks sure is elitist.
speaking of Cindy McCain, I saw news footage of her today in some <em>tight</em> long sleeve tee-shirt. Isn't she like, 70? Oy vey.

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[quote author="Trooper" date=1221568558]speaking of Cindy McCain, I saw news footage of her today in some <em>tight</em> long sleeve tee-shirt. Isn't she like, 70? Oy vey.</blockquote>

Pushin' 70... She needs a more age appropriate hair cut. I think someone needs to tell her that her cougar days are long gone.