Lance Riding for Astana

for some reason the title makes me think of this.....

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Kirk Lazarus: Nah! It's simple as pie man, you plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes you say "Hey! baby, you and me's goin' on a date, that's in the story"....What's her name?

Alpa Chino: .....Lance

Kirk Lazarus: You say 'Listen here, Lance'...Lance?! What the **** did I just hear? Lance?!

Kevin Sandusky: Did you just say Lance?!

Alpa Chino: No! No, I didn't say Lance. I said Nance.
[quote author="vicstah" date=1222313069]</blockquote>

The tour is gonna be worth watching again next year, Lance has to ride with Astana because Johan Bruyneel is director...
Either that, or he's embarassed to be sponsored by Garmin-Chipotle. That was a joke Prof, please don't hurt me.

Go Felt :p