Jim Cramer & Jon Stewart to face off in person on the Daily Show tonight


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<A href="http://blogs.moneycentral.msn.com/topstocks/archive/2009/03/11/mudwrestling-in-midtown.aspx">http://blogs.moneycentral.msn.com/topstocks/archive/2009/03/11/mudwrestling-in-midtown.aspx</A>

Then they finish they will get into their limos, open a $300.00 bottle of wine, and laugh all the way to the bank.

Who really cares about talking heads?

People do get sucked into believing that certain celebs have an influence but the reality is they chat, write books, and make gobs of money but do not control or have an effect on policy.

Come on folks, its "show business" for ratings.
[quote author="xsocal land merchant" date=1236912696]Whoopie!!

Then they finish they will get into their limos, open a $300.00 bottle of wine, and laugh all the way to the bank.

Who really cares about talking heads?

People do get sucked into believing that certain celebs have an influence but the reality is they chat, write books, and make gobs of money but do not control or have an effect on policy.

Come on folks, its "show business" for ratings.</blockquote>

Maybe so, but it has been very fun the past few nights watching Jon Stewart respond to Cramer. I like the way he has called out the network for their contribution to the mess through their reporting, lack of reporting or just plain stupidity in not being able the see the upcoming financial collapse even though many others did.
[quote author="xsocal land merchant" date=1236912696]Whoopie!!

Then they finish they will get into their limos, open a $300.00 bottle of wine, and laugh all the way to the bank.

Who really cares about talking heads?

People do get sucked into believing that certain celebs have an influence but the reality is they chat, write books, and make gobs of money but do not control or have an effect on policy.

Come on folks, its "show business" for ratings.</blockquote>

Yes, but it is funny.

Isn't that the point of Comedy Central?
[quote author="Anonymous" date=1236913455]

Yes, but it is funny.

Isn't that the point of Comedy Central?</blockquote>

Exactly. Like when Stewart was getting crap about the lame questions he asked John Kerry (I think) from some CNN talking heads once...he said "I'm on Comedy Central! My lead-in is puppets making crank phone calls! YOU are CNN!"

I'll be watching for the entertainment value.
[quote author="tmare" date=1236918502]The Dora the Explorer bit was so hilarious, I hope everyone saw it!</blockquote>



I have to admit that I was impressed with the actual content of the interview last night. Jon Stewart didn't back down, Cramer had egg on his face and really didn't do a great job defending himself. Kind of makes me think that Jon Stewart may have an impact on CNBC, I think the "In Cramer We Trust" ads might go away. We'll see what Cramer does now (not that I actually watch him), but he was apologetic and seemed to imply that he would be making some changes. I liked the interview clips that Stewart used to nail Cramer as just another scammer. I fully expected to see a silly little exchange between these two and I was surprised not to see that.
[quote author="tmare" date=1236978240]I have to admit that I was impressed with the actual content of the interview last night. Jon Stewart didn't back down, Cramer had egg on his face and really didn't do a great job defending himself. Kind of makes me think that Jon Stewart may have an impact on CNBC, I think the "In Cramer We Trust" ads might go away. We'll see what Cramer does now (not that I actually watch him), but he was apologetic and seemed to imply that he would be making some changes. I liked the interview clips that Stewart used to nail Cramer as just another scammer. I fully expected to see a silly little exchange between these two and I was surprised not to see that.</blockquote>

I was suprised myself. Cramer looked like my chihuahua when I scold her...tail between her legs, and head down. He looked like a little kid scolded for doing something wrong. He was pathetic, nervous, speachless...and I didn't feel sorry for him.
Here is a link to the video if you missed it

<A HREF="http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2009/03/stewart-vs-cramer.html">http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2009/03/stewart-vs-cramer.html</A>
In his smackdown of CNBC's Jim Cramer, 'Daily Show' host Jon Stewart again displays his journalistic chops.

<A href="http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-fi-cotown-cnbc14-2009mar14,0,7086061.story">http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-fi-cotown-cnbc14-2009mar14,0,7086061.story</A>
IMHO Cramer's RealMoney website is one of the best investing sites and is far better than the usual corporate fare (CBSMarketwatch, SeekingAlpha, etc.) with a lot of knowledgeable contributors providing detailed investing views rather than the usual layman's type of mainstream content on CNBC or other sources. I think Stewart smacked down an easy target but in reality the wrong guy. Cramer made good calls (they know nothing in mid-2007, get your money out of the market in late 2008, contributor Kass said market bottom last week). He's a knowledgeable insider who's informing the public about the behind-the-scenes shenanigans particularly with the suspension of the uptick rule and leveraged bear ETFs causing a lot of the recent volatility. He's got a clown persona but with a very value added component. I've been reading his commentary since 1994.
Jim's show is entertainment. He encourages people to do thier own research and make up thier own mind. There are huge disclaimers at every break.

I've never traded with Jim, but I like to watch him. Preversely, I enjoy Rush too. Go figure!