IUSD 2015 college bound


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Yay,  Cal State Fullerton is the clear winner this year!

Nothing so far is ranked higher than Cal.
Not everyone on that site applied to an Ivy League school.
Therefore, the easy conclusion is that they did not get into an Ivy League school.

I knew many top classmates who did not apply to any Ivy Leagues. So the obvious conclusion is that none of them would have put getting accepted to an ivy league on a similar post.

Many students did apply for state schools. The obvious conclusion is that many students will go to a state school as noted in your link.

I differ in opinion. Race, grade inflation and Irvine stereotype all worked against all applicants. Very few got in the top private colleges and many did get accepted into the safety schools. In avoiding the embarrassment and facing rejection many just applied for the attainable. Quality of the school is more than just API score but placing many students into the top colleges is just equally prudent. University High discontinued its college bound list. Schools no longer disclose the college bound destinations and statistics.