Is this the common core grading ?


any of you have middle school kids ?

i just noticed that they have a 4 point grading system for math homework. and you will get penalized for various funny reasons:
e.g.  not writing your name. 1 point off (so you get 75%)
combine two steps into one. 2 points off (so you get 50%)
didn't make any marks on the paper indicating that all answers are correct. 1 point off (so you get 75%)

and the teacher insisted that this grading is a department policy.
i am speechless.
My middle school child had a case similar to what you described in Language arts.  Teacher gave him 80% for an essay because the date was written incorrectly.  It was supposed to be spelled out.
Something ridiculous like that.
Teacher is not very good though (luckily only 1 out of 4 - the rest are absolutely wonderful)
It's not a district policy but the teacher interpretation of it.
Like this teacher's interpretation?

tell how to make 10 when adding 8+5?

the wording is pretty bad. It is meant to teach kid that you can get the result by getting to 10 first and then add the remaining 3: 8 + 5 = 8 + 2 + 3 = 10 + 3 = 13

10 obviously is the number of fingers that we have unless you are born in Columbus Square.

irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
95% of the human race is stupid.
You mean 103%.

I'm just going to grade the homework and tests so I can see what is actually going on.

Gonna give everyone 100% except those with Asian surnames.

