ILLEGAL to wash car in my driveway?


NEW to California and I've googled the hell out of trying to find this as a legitimate crime, but is it illegal to wash my car in my driveway?  IF it is, can I rinse my car in my driveway??  I have a feeling it is NOT allowed, but I can't seem to find a clear statement saying I can't.  (I'm in the Stonegate community in Irvine)

(I'm wondering if it's because this law was decided years ago and everyone that lives here just knows it now?)

Thanks in advance :)
Yes, you can thank the environmentalists, they don't want your car wash draining into the ocean.
It's an urban legend.  It is illegal to wash your car in the street or public park but not your driveway unless your city has an ordinance like Oakland.

You live in an HOA so almost assuredly a violation of the CC&Rs

Irvine police felt bad for racial profiling Mexicans driving second hand Hondas. This city ordinance is a retribution or compensation to ensure they have jobs at car washes in and outside of Irvine
Still have not found anything regarding car washes. I used to live in a home with shared driveway... It was fine.