IHB Trends Analysis

I've noticed certain trends in the year plus I've been on the IHB.

1. Newest user starts new thread about, "Uh, well, gee is it time to buy?"

Reaction: Troll and/or TIC person.

2. Tread about Education gets started, it always turns into a discussion about Asians.

Reaction: What about my brothas?

3. Saving money gets mentioned in a thread. Someone reacts and says that we need to enjoy life and spend. Argument about spending with personal examples ensues. Reaction: Oy!

Trends I haven't seen in a while:

1. Newer user makes asinine comment about "Real estate always goes up you idiots!"

Reaction: Not again! Please! (Then everyone dog plies on that person)

2. Really insulting stuff-- comments about wives, etc.

Reaction: That's good, there must be growing respect for this blog, probably more people coming in from referrals as opposed to Google.

3. Bkshopr makes a general comment about Asians. Someone gets pissed, they go back and forth with him, they agree to disagree.

Reaction: I miss Bk! And I still fantasize about going on Bk's Bus tour of Irvine.
actually i've noticed it being more like this:

1. Newest user starts new thread about, "Uh, well, gee is it time to buy?"

Reaction: bearish regulars suggest its not time yet. user responds, "well what do you know? it's my decision not yours."

someone gets pissed and a lot of back and forth before everyone agrees to disagree. i am thankful for the last part. although theres been a lot more heat of late, at least the discussions stay relatively civil and lively debates are something to be embraced to some extent.
I have been staying away from the "should I buy" threads. My opinion is widely known and extremely well documented. If someone asks that question, they ought to know my response already.
WARNING! Sunday snarkitude ahead!

Maybe, some pictures will help? First, the search function...

<img src="http://img702.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/02/24/ihbsearch-49ml6zr61.jpeg" alt="" />

Then the advanced search function...

<img src="http://img801.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/02/24/ihbadvanced-49ml7i6kf.jpeg" alt="" />

Next, what you need to search for...

<img src="http://img701.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/02/24/ihbbuyhouse-49ml7t682.jpeg" alt="" />

And, really... newbies should start here...

<img src="http://img109.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/02/24/ihbnewbies-49ml95r8q.jpeg" alt="" />

I hope that helps.
Thing about trolls is, so many people are overly self-centered and take offense at general comments not directed at them. So if you want to provoke a flame war, it really doesn't take much effort at all. You just make some statements and wait for people to be offended. It's that easy. Sad, but true.

As for directing new users, I used to be in retail and not everyone "view" an image in the same way. It's kind of hard to explain, it's like if someone's head was wired to ignore the sign, then it doesn't matter if you make it the size of a car in neon colors, they'll still ignore it, and if you point them to read it, they'll look confused until you point it out to them several times. How you get around this problem, is if you present the new user or customer with as few options as possible, so that they have no choice but to look at what you want them to see.

If all else fails, drink more cool-aid!
