[IHB] The Neighborhood of University Hills

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Just like IHO comments a very enlightening article. I had heard about these a few years back and always
was curious to find out more.
nice article...

ive driven through the area...  even noticed some newer homes that look like the calpac portisol type homes... 
Yes, California Pacific Homes still exists.  It did not get absorbed by IP. Cal Pac helps Irvine Campus Housing Authority build these homes including using plans from Campanile, Camillia and Portisol. UCI does not have the know how to develop and build single family homes so by partnering with Cal Pac UCI benefitted greatly with creativity, land use and construction efficiency.

akim997 said:
nice article...

ive driven through the area...  even noticed some newer homes that look like the calpac portisol type homes... 