IHB Book Club: Suggestion Thread

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I wonder if anyone would be interested in participating in an IHB book club. The idea would be for everyone to follow along via a thread dedicated to the book and once the book has been completed, it could culminate in a live chat to discuss the book via the IHB chat feature.

As a suggestion that perhaps some of the readers would be interested in starting off with... I just picked up this:

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Transition-Meghana-Joshi/dp/144148602X"><img src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31clayrl2ML._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg" alt="" /></a>

(Click book image to read a synopsis and for a peek inside.)

We are fortunate to have this author as a member of our site, where she is better known as Cubic Zirconia. If anyone would like to participate in reading this book as group, I thought that when we are done it might be fun to meet up with her somewhere locally such as a coffee house and discuss the book with her in person. Or, if schedules are too busy, we could arrange for a particular day and time to talk with her via the live chat.

This book is a quick read at under 200 pages so we should be able to knock this one out pretty easily!

If you would like to participate with reading "Transition" or if you have suggestions for other books you would like to nominate for a book club "event", please leave a comment.
What!? Do we have to start our own book club for men or what? What kind of sexism do we have going on here at IHB. Do you think that boys don't like to read or something? We can start it off with something a whole lot more interesting... <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Bailout-Nation-Corrupted-Street-Economy/dp/0470520388/">Bailout Nation</a>.


Now that is a book to start a book club for the uber nerds that post here.
All men are <em>absolutely</em> welcome to join in reading "Transition" as well. ;-) Thank you for volunteering. I'll put you down on the list.

You could count me in for "Bailout Nation".
Is the book physically for sale in a local bookstore? I have some poolside reading time coming up in 1.5 weeks so I'd actually have time to read it then.
[quote author="caycifish" date=1240923113]Is the book physically for sale in a local bookstore? I have some poolside reading time coming up in 1.5 weeks so I'd actually have time to read it then.</blockquote>

Enjoy it!

<img src="http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~bailen/blog/img/tan.jpg" alt="" />
Here are some great books for all you single guys out there...

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Game-Penetrating-Secret-Society-Artists/dp/0060554738/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1240899427&sr=8-1">The Game</a>

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Rules-Game-Neil-Strauss/dp/0061540455/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1240899427&sr=8-6">Rules of the Game</a>
[quote author="caycifish" date=1240923113]Is the book physically for sale in a local bookstore? I have some poolside reading time coming up in 1.5 weeks so I'd actually have time to read it then.</blockquote>

A paper copy can be purchased through amazon, Target (I think just online), and Lulu. Downloads for Kindle are also available. Maybe CZ can confirm.
Thank you SoCal78 for the lovely post.. This is the first thing I saw on the net today, and you can't imagine how happy I am:-)

Here is more about the book for all you interested people:


The book is not available in the bookstores, but it's on Amazon, target.com and Lulu as paperback, on kindle and Lulu in downloadable version like Socal said. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I would love to meet you all at a bookstore or coffee shop to discuss the book :-)

Thanks again Socal..


[quote author="SoCal78" date=1240917187]I wonder if anyone would be interested in participating in an IHB book club. The idea would be for everyone to follow along via a thread dedicated to the book and once the book has been completed, it could culminate in a live chat to discuss the book via the IHB chat feature.

As a suggestion that perhaps some of the female readers would be interested in starting off with... I just picked up this:

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Transition-Meghana-Joshi/dp/144148602X"><img src="http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/7056f715bf.jpg" alt="" /></a>

(Click book image to read a synopsis and for a peek inside.)

We are fortunate to have this author as a member of our site, where she is better known as Cubic Zirconia. If anyone would like to participate in reading this book as group, I thought that when we are done it might be fun to meet up with her somewhere locally such as a coffee house and discuss the book with her in person. Or, if schedules are too busy, we could arrange for a particular day and time to talk with her via the live chat.

This book is a quick read at under 200 pages so we should be able to knock this one out pretty easily!

If you would like to participate with reading "Transition" or if you have suggestions for other books you would like to nominate for a book club "event", please leave a comment.</blockquote>
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1241694192]CZ - I know of one other who is reading "Transition" so there are two on board so far.</blockquote>

That's great news Socal! Please let me know if you guys have any questions:-)
Count me in. I just ordered it, but took the free slow boat shipping so won't be able to start it until some time next week. I'm currently near the end of American Wife, which I've enjoyed a lot more than I had anticipated.
Just ordered, same shipping as stepping_up so we'll be a bit late to join the discussion. Not sure about a meet-up though, I don't get to leave my cage often! ;-P