I long for the olden days of IHB


New member
Even just a year ago, I remember coming to the IHB - it felt like such a geeky thing back then, to hear Irvine Renter's detailed explanations about how the housing bubble would come undone. I remember the fascination of studying how this delicate, interwomen machine that is the mortgage system would start having missteps that would degenerate into full blown collapse given the right conditions. Really felt like there was something special about the small company of luminaries we have back here. I remember when it was bold and brave at that time to say things like "Housing will go down 15%!!!!!!" even on the forums and although I believed it it felt like telling a dirty joke for comic relief :).

Well, a year later, things have unfolded exactly as they were laid forth, and, somehow, it seems somewhat of a disapointment. I guess I was naive thinking that things would just be simple, speculative homeowners would exit the markets, house prices would go down and that'd be the end of it.

Now a year later housing is in every world newspaper. It is on everyone's minds. And, for the most part, it certainly seems most of the planet does not accept it. World governments have gotten involved, putting their fingers in to try to "manage" things. Government funds were spent, laws were debated. Industry groups "fought" the invisible hand of the market. Homeowners held on. Jobs are now at stake, and this is spinning in a worldwide crisis.

IHB is still a "black sheep" community in my mind, thinking outside the concensus. As much as everyone has been right however, I wonder now if, for many of us, the outcome will actually not be what we expected. Back then the worry was that we could not be able to afford houses at these prices. A year later, with the economy tanking, mortgage rates skyrocketing, credit drying up, and government efforts to prop things up.. it's ironic I wonder if many of us will not be able to afford the houses still.

Being right has never felt so wrong :p.
I can remember when I first started posting, there was an edginess that was necessary to drive the point home to the bulls. Now it just seems like piling on.

I would not be surprised if we are on the outside again when we turn bullish. I believe next year or two I may start doing posts where I profile a property selling for less than rental parity and point out that it is a good deal. We will go bullish when everyone else has given up on the market, and again we will be on the outside of the mainstream.
Outstanding Post Muzie!

I've been thinking about a very close Friend of ours recently who is HIV+ We were talking one night and I asked Her "So what's it like"? And She answered "Well, it's not a tangible thing, it's something that is just <em>there</em>, something I have to live with, it's there when I go to sleep at night and it's there when I wake up in the morning"

I think I understand what She was saying because I feel the same way about what is happening right now, it feels like the whole Country and indeed most of the World is the equivalent to HIV+ and it's affected a lot of Peoples' lives in a similar way...

It's going to be there when we go to sleep at night and it's probably going to be worse when we wake up in the morning.
[quote author="PeterUK" date=1222869336] It's going to be there when we go to sleep at night and it's probably going to be worse when we wake up in the morning.</blockquote>

I can help you with that.

<img src="http://www.fineexpressions.co.uk/images/glenlivetXXV.gif" alt="" />

thx Deuce.
I long for the old website where it took you to the last message that you read. The good old days before this new fangled technology - dammit!!
I agree, Muzie - IHB was the first place I checked every morning, now all that was foretold has come to pass...

IHB still shines - the posts are great, and there will be lots of carnage to report. Watching how this bailout BS plays out will be fascinating!
Even with the new format, the snark survives! Still, I kinda liked the way pm's appeared right in the thread,

which added to their snarkitude.