?i-house? is giant leap from trailer park


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?i-house? is giant leap from trailer park

A moderately priced ?plug and play? home for the environmentally conscious

<A href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30621294/wid=18298287">http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30621294/wid=18298287</A>

<img src="http://nbcsportsmedia4.msnbc.com/j/NBCSports/Sections/NBA/___May/090507-ihouse-exterior-hmed-8a.rp600x350.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1241906172]At $150 a foot, that thing is not cheap.</blockquote>

Seems good for a remote area though - ex. island somewhere. That way, don't have to pay for lumber & labor to port to the remote location, and if you are off the electric grid, could just hook the solar power up to your well or something.
[quote author="Anonymous" date=1242085892][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1241906172]At $150 a foot, that thing is not cheap.</blockquote>

Seems good for a remote area though - ex. island somewhere. That way, don't have to pay for lumber & labor to port to the remote location, and if you are off the electric grid, could just hook the solar power up to your well or something.</blockquote>

Solar power typically will only augment 1/2 of the electricity usage. Electricity utility is still required by code in case of emergency and system malfuctioning.

The manufactured home reminds me of the Case Study Houses. They require a large lot thus the reason of worth having the expansive glass for view and vista. On a postage stamp lot the glass will be permanently curtained over and that defeats the purpose of the modern vernacular.
I think I can spec build anywhere from Bakersfield to Sacramento for $65-85 a foot, custom for about $100-125 (assuming a high quality builder).

This product is interesting, it's not going anywhere.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1241774440]I-House:

<img src="http://nbcsportsmedia4.msnbc.com/j/NBCSports/Sections/NBA/___May/090507-ihouse-exterior-hmed-8a.rp600x350.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

Looks like a double wide to me. I could build a stronger structure with old cargo containers for less than 1/3rd the cost.