I heart my pastor-Dave Gibbons Newsong-series "The Burbs"


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We started a new series today at church called - The Burbs, unmasking the facade!  Oh how I loved it!  There is enough material here to generate a years worth of threads!  I'm trying to find the live or archived link to the service.  They usually upload the entire service by Wednesday or so...

I love Dave, he goes ahead an lists all the selling points of Irvine... Schools, Safety, Security, and goes ahead and destroys them...  He also offers some great solutions (Pat)...  Genuine community, creativity and dropping the pose...

He goes and starts off the sermon with this video...


I would love to have a discussion on the video alone... but he makes good points on why he think Irvine and suburbs like it are one of the most dangerous places in America today...!
Sounds like communism.  Drag down the winners to make the losers feel better.  Is there such thing as a Liberal Christian?
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/18770526" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/18770526">the Burbs Wk.1 "Unmasking the Facade" - Dave Gibbons [Newsong Irvine | 01.09.2011]</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/newsong">Newsong Church</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

yeah... just got back home... going to play it in the background...!

the education video is debunking the "god" of education...

1) Modern education was born out of the industrial revolution... when...
2) Slaves were outlawed, and industry needed to enslave a new kind of labor the college educated...
3) Why do you think it's called the Rate Race!
4) Irvine is the reflection of this... the burbs (Irvine) is the slave camps for the large corps that TIC attract; you get a "fancy" house of fake stucco with the appearance of wealth while you're stuck at your job for the next 30 years trying to pay off it off...
5) While the (plantation owners) the real rich, get richer and we get poorer...
trick question...

Why does Pastor Dave think Irvine (the Burbs) is one of the most dangerous places in America today?  Is his answer valid to you?
roundcorners said:
trick question...

Why does Pastor Dave think Irvine (the Burbs) is one of the most dangerous places in America today?  Is his answer valid to you?

Welcome back RC.

The Rich Young Man

16Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, ?Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life??

17?Why do you ask me about what is good?? Jesus replied. ?There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.?

18?Which ones?? the man inquired.

Jesus replied, ??Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, 19honor your father and mother,?d and ?love your neighbor as yourself.?e?

20?All these I have kept,? the young man said. ?What do I still lack??

21Jesus answered, ?If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.?

22When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

23Then Jesus said to his disciples, ?I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.?

25When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, ?Who then can be saved??

26Jesus looked at them and said, ?With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.?

27Peter answered him, ?We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us??

28Jesus said to them, ?I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or motherf or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. 30But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.
I caught some Glenn Beck today at lunch... he says China is going to overtake the US as a superpower based on 5 things:

1. Innovation
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Technology
4. Capital
5. Labor

He contends that US only has the advantage in 2 of those 5. Guess which ones?

Oh well... time to learn French.

BTW: That was probably only the second time I've seen Glenn Beck... I don't really watch daytime news channels.
What I took away from the original education video was that work as we know it is changing and education should be changing too.  As most of have experience during this downturn, nothing is scarred, you can be let go for any reason anytime.  You can't be guaranteed a good life, a good pay simply by going to a good school and getting good grades.  You have to be more creative than that, and that includes working well with others that think vastly different than you, being expose to a variety of character of different backgrounds and being able to find solutions versus recalling something memorized.  That is what Dave means the difference between Knowledge versus Wisdom.  Irvine parents think just by attending a good school that it is one of the panacea for the good life and that might not be the case anymore.

(18, 30 minutes)
Dave says that the Suburbs are dangerous because the burbs make us complacent; numb and apathetic.  The burbs are dangerous because kids are bored; and they look for trouble.  He's kids refer to Northwood High as Norhweed...  The kids see don't see models of genuine, loving, messy relationships; of people actually deeply knowing and caring about one another; just busyness and aquasition of more stuff; and this thick facade that all is perfect...

See you all in the morning...  live stream during 2nd service...
I caught part of Amy Chua's segment on the Today Show last week.

One thing I noticed in what I saw... they didn't ask the husband how he felt. They asked the daughters and Amy but don't you think they would get input from the father? Weird.
Starlight East said:
" Amy Chua is more like Panda Express ? looks like Chinese parenting, smells like Chinese parenting, but is not the real deal ? that is, old-school Chinese parenting.
For those who are like me and usually don't click on other links, the other 4 bullets are actually funny to read:
2. YOU CAN DEPEND ON LOGIC AND CONSISTENCY:  With Amy, it is straightforward.  Every waking hour of your existence while under her roof should be dedicated to excellence.  With OSCM, it is not so straightforward.  She is a sphinx who screams out riddles everyday that you must solve.  You should get into a top ivy league school on the opposite coast, but stay close to home.  You must eat everything OSCM cooks but not get fat.  You must not date or socialize with anyone outside the family, but find an appropriate mate who you can marry.  You must respect your elders even if they are passing gas and burping in public.

3. PRAISE IS GIVEN UPON SUCCESS: Amy approves of praise when kids work hard and succeed.  For OSCM praise is a precious resource that cannot be wasted on stroking kids? egos.  OSCM uses praise sparingly and strategically ? to embarrass other parents who try to show OSCM up with their overachieving kids? accomplishments.  The stroking ego part is just a by-product of the real goal which is to carpet bomb those gloating Chinese parents until they submit to OSCM?s dominance.

4. AMY KNOWS THE GAME AND CAN BE HANDS-ON. Like the basketball coach in practice,  Amy knows the game and can give an educated critique of every shot which allows her kids to benefit from her knowledge and experience.  The OSCM on the other hand, is an outsider and doesn?t have the luxury of being hands-on.  She?s in the bleachers selling hot dogs and peanuts and then looks up once in awhile to scream ?why you miss that shot! So easy, just throw in basket!?.

5. SHAME IS THE LAST RESORT. Amy calls her kids ?garbage? when they act out or rebel.  But for OSMS?s these colorful euphemisms are part of everyday conversation.  If Eskimos do indeed have 100 words for snow,  then OSCMs have 100 Chinese words that express the complexity of their love/hate relationship with their spawn.  These words are used interchangeably to shame, criticize, or to simply grab their kids? attention.  Unlike Amy, the OSCM will call you what she wants and when she wants.  Depending on the mood of the OSCM, these harsh words may pass as cutesy nicknames, not unlike the way tough chicks in prison and rappers may acknowledge their own with a special derogatory term of endearment.  The Chinese names for kids range from ?fatty?, ?slow poke?, ?dunderhead?, ?little devil?, ?ungrateful bastard?, ?bamboo pole? (that?s in reference to those who are American-born and stand out like bamboo stalks) to name just a few.  And as if puberty wasn?t humiliating enough, there?s also some gems for the daughters who suffer through adolescence for having smaller assets than their peers (eg: ?ironing board?, ?landing strip?, ?soup dumplings?, etc.).

Since this is RC's thread... how do you recommend raising kids to respect authority and learn the value of discipline but at the same time not stress education and seeking a means to support themselves and their future family?
Starlight East said:
Another interesting thing is that Amy Chua decided to raise their daughters in Mandarin.

What's remarkable about this is that neither Amy nor or husband could speak Manadarin when their first daughter was born, so they had to learn it together.

It's like I would decide now my family only speaks Swedish at home and would hire a Swedish nanny to achieve that.

Sounds like she is a white washed bannana with an asian fetish.  I know a lot of asian women who married a white man and regretted it.  To repent they try to do everything asian.

Some of that stuff about the OSCM does sound like my own parents:

1. Straight As wasn't good enough... an A- meant some type of discipline that had 'belt' or 'slipper' as one of the ingredients.

2. I had planned to go to Berkley, Stanford or MIT... but they were too far away.... for them.

3. I couldn't go to my early high school social functions yet my parents wondered why I didn't have a girlfriend.

4. Once I had a girlfriend my parents didn't think I should have one (what?!?).

And it doesn't stop when you become an "adult".

When you're in college... they pressure you into getting a job. Once you get a job, they pressure you about getting married. Once you get married they pressure you about having kids.

Funny story... when we announced we were getting married, my dad asked me if it was a shotgun wedding (I guess he didn't like my fiancee), we alleviated that concern because we didn't have kids until 10 years later.

On parenting, my mom doesn't agree with how lenient we are with my kids and I always stop her in her tracks by asking her a simple question: "Will they grow up to be psychopaths?"
Starlight East said:
RC, did you write parts of the speech for Dave Gibbons? Some of it sounded like it's coming from you. For a moment, I even thought: you are Dave Gibbons!

He questioned the desire for more sq feet and said something like that chance encounters on the street can be more meaningful than the ones in your home. 

Interestingly that plays right into TIC's new home strategy. You don't need a big backyard, big home, what you really need are pocket parks where you can have chance encounters.

I always said, a place like Woodbury has great potential... the infrastructure is ripe to develop some genuine community; and I'm not saying it doesn't exist; as a matter of fact, there has been some great dog families/people that seem pretty tight around the Laural Square area, the Cortile neighbors... 

How deep do they get, I don't know; how real do they let themselves be?  I can't judge...  all I know is that every time I try to remotely share the difficulties of parent-hood, I get this look like I'm weird like I'm doing things wrong...

All I've ever said was that I want a neighborhood with a winning battle for community... it will be difficult anywhere we live in Socal, but pedestrian friendly neighbors that you don't feel awkward bumping into more than twice a day; not feel intrusive for popping by unexpectedly; a diverse range of age, race, social-economical status and life-stage...

Pocket parks are nice, but what is more intimate are back-yards, porches, front yards, drive-ways and living rooms...

Thanks for watching the message, wait till you see Sunday's message all on apathy...
jumpcut said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I caught part of Amy Chua's segment on the Today Show last week.

One thing I noticed in what I saw... they didn't ask the husband how he felt. They asked the daughters and Amy but don't you think they would get input from the father? Weird.

He doesn't wear the pants at that house, like someone else I know.

her Maiden name tells it all... the wives I know who after 10+ years of marriage who still have their maiden names wear the pants in the household...

Panda Express Parenting... ha love it!!  very true indeed...!
roundcorners said:
Pocket parks are nice, but what is more intimate are back-yards, porches, front yards, drive-ways and living rooms...
You'll seldomly meet new people or strangers in those places.

And some people prefer to keep where they live private... having a common area to socialize permits them to get to know their neighbors without having to worry about keeping the house spotless daily.

Different strokes.

And... when/if you move to Long Beach... I think you will miss your community stroll in Woodbury.
IHO... as Dave says... do we in the Burbs of America have a "forum" of community or do people really care/love one another...  are we just playing the parts of the "neighbor" or when it comes down to it, do we take messy action to love one another... do people even let you love on them?  Irvinians already have the expectation to be of a certain academic/financial/social status... if you don't really have it, well at least you look the part...  in Long Beach, if you're poor, homeless or uneducated people can tell, and it's generally accepted, you still walk with them, talk with them, love on them... they are your neighbors...

I disagree about common space... I've meet plenty of people outside their homes in Long Beach... walking around the neighborhood, on their porches, sidewalks and parks, tot-lots... more than once we've been invited inside strangers homes... and they are some of the warmest, most comfortable, messy but beautiful places you've ever seen...  for once in your life, I hope you you experience this IHO, in someone's home or possibly inviting a stranger to yours...  that my friend is being a true neighbor...

PS... this might be a little old to mention... but I always forgot to comment... For goodness sakes, IHO... Halloween is like one of the few days in the year where you are expected to walk the neighborhood, knock on your neighbors doors, meet and greet, have the kids over, have the neighborhood kids running all over your living rooms, houses... and what did you do??

You took your family to the Spectrum???  WHY???  What a wasted opportunity... very sad... RC :'(
roundcorners said:
more than once we've been invited inside strangers homes...

That's just creepy.  How do you know they don't want to chop you up and have you for supper?
roundcorners said:
PS... this might be a little old to mention... but I always forgot to comment... For goodness sakes, IHO... Halloween is like one of the few days in the year where you are expected to walk the neighborhood, knock on your neighbors doors, meet and greet, have the kids over, have the neighborhood kids running all over your living rooms, houses... and what did you do??

You took your family to the Spectrum???  WHY???  What a wasted opportunity... very sad... RC :'(
See... your vision is blurred by your... uh... vision.

There were multiple reasons that I believe I mentioned:

1. My kids are young and get scared at night... by Halloween stuff (when we took my son around 3 years ago... he didn't want to go again the year after).

2. That same year, my daughter got sick because it was so cold and she didn't want to wear a jacket over her costume.

3. We are back in my old neighborhood and I already know everyone on my entire street.

4. We did the Spectrum during the day when it was warmer, went to South Coast when it got colder and darker, and then went back home to give out candy to see the kids in our 'hood. Unfortunately... very few kids visit our street.

This just demonstrates that there are multiple ways to embrace your community and that your own personal experience is NOT universal.