House-hunting 3.0


New member
So, Sunday seemed to be a good start to kick off Project House Hunt 3.0. Instead of keeping it a secret and sharing the purchase later, I have decided to go public from the beginning, and fund my down payment via those two cents everybody has to offer. Not sure if we are downgrading or upgrading, I guess that will depend on the inventory, and job and market conditions as things develop, but here it starts!

On Sunday, we went to see this house:

I had different expectations, it turned out to be something else, and we didn't even bother to get out of the car and see the property. But somewhere before we turn into that Modjeska Canyon- is it Foothill Ranch? those houses look like a good compromise. Trails and nature close by, a tree in the backyard (not a dwarf) and Irvine amenities too.

IHO, lets see- who buys first  ;)
I doubt if address number is really as bad as it is made out to be- 44 in neighborhood sold as soon as it hit the market, and if I am right, an Asian family will move in. When it was listed, the neighbors said it would take a long time to sell.. but the house was upgraded well. May be that helped?

How are the schools? Will it be Canyonwood-Sierra Vista-Northwood High combo?
Cubic Zirconia said:
But somewhere before we turn into that Modjeska Canyon- is it Foothill Ranch? those houses look like a good compromise. Trails and nature close by, a tree in the backyard (not a dwarf) and Irvine amenities too.

The area near the turn-off for Modjeska Cyn. is Portola Hills. However, Foothill Ranch is closest to the major shopping center and Irvine. Both have access to Limestone Cyn. / Whiting Ranch.
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
But somewhere before we turn into that Modjeska Canyon- is it Foothill Ranch? those houses look like a good compromise. Trails and nature close by, a tree in the backyard (not a dwarf) and Irvine amenities too.

The area near the turn-off for Modjeska Cyn. is Portola Hills. However, Foothill Ranch is closest to the major shopping center and Irvine. Both have access to Limestone Cyn. / Whiting Ranch.

Yes, I think I am talking about the same area with access to Whiting Ranch. I thought that shopping center belonged to Lake Forest :)
The Motor Court Company said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
How are the schools? Will it be Canyonwood-Sierra Vista-Northwood High combo?

There is some rumor Northwood homes south of Irvine Blvd is going to be zoned into Irvine HS.

That won't be bad, but going to the new High School in Woodbury(?) wouldn't be a great idea, at least for the first couple of years.
irvinehomeowner said:
I haven't heard of a high school in Woodbury... I thought the 5th one would be in the Great Park.

Woodbury will be zoned into that High School? I think we are talking about the same new high school.
homer_simpson said:
How far of a commute (distance and time) wise would this be from your current work CZ?

Work will move South in 2013.

Yesterday's house is a big no-no, but a house near the toll-way will be a better option. I can't imagine getting out of that house when everyone is late to school/work on a Monday morning.. too many tight turns for the distracted driver. We are still not ready to live so far away from civilization.
irvinehomeowner said:
If you're going south... there are nice homes in Mission Viejo.

At this point, pretty much open to the idea of moving outside Irvine as long as we are still close to Irvine- and that is the reason I made a public post so that I can accumulate the "two cents" :)

Cubic Zirconia said:
a house near the toll-way will be a better option.

Uh-hem. I know a nice place right off the 241 with Starbucks only a short walk away.  :)

Be my neighbor. Let's decrease productivity together.
Cubic Zirconia said:
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
a house near the toll-way will be a better option.

Uh-hem. I know a nice place right off the 241 with Starbucks only a short walk away.  :)

Be my neighbor. Let's decrease productivity together.

And that would be a perfect solution!

Let's plan a tour, shall we? Allow me to be your real estate agent for the day? We'll start at my house. (Still haven't had you over!) We'll get in my car and drive the hills looking at homes. I'll show you where the parks, clubhouse, and pools are. We'll get in with my key. Last stop at one of the three coffee places nearby and/or lunch in the Town Center - my treat.
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
a house near the toll-way will be a better option.

Uh-hem. I know a nice place right off the 241 with Starbucks only a short walk away.  :)

Be my neighbor. Let's decrease productivity together.

And that would be a perfect solution!

Let's plan a tour, shall we? Allow me to be your real estate agent for the day? We'll start at my house. (Still haven't had you over!) We'll get in my car and drive the hills looking at homes. I'll show you where the parks, clubhouse, and pools are. We'll get in with my key. Last stop at one of the three coffee places nearby and/or lunch in the Town Center - my treat.

And time to take this conversation offline :) Check FB messages.
irvinehomeowner said:
Based on history... you probably will.

We saw this on Saturday:

Nice sized home but needs lots of updating. It has a pool (which can be a pro or con) but it makes the small backyard even smaller. Is the address number one of the reasons this hasn't moved yet?

One thing you can know is that its JM Peters and is probably a pretty damn well built house.  Is that the model with the giant bonus room above the garage? Anyways though the pool is hideous...whoever landscaped that ought to be fired, or worse.  rip out the rocks, punch the pool and fill it in eventually maybe? its not terribly large, but it is work and and expense. 
Cubic Zirconia said:
So, Sunday seemed to be a good start to kick off Project House Hunt 3.0. Instead of keeping it a secret and sharing the purchase later, I have decided to go public from the beginning, and fund my down payment via those two cents everybody has to offer. Not sure if we are downgrading or upgrading, I guess that will depend on the inventory, and job and market conditions as things develop, but here it starts!
On Sunday, we went to see this house:
I had different expectations, it turned out to be something else, and we didn't even bother to get out of the car and see the property. But somewhere before we turn into that Modjeska Canyon- is it Foothill Ranch? those houses look like a good compromise. Trails and nature close by, a tree in the backyard (not a dwarf) and Irvine amenities too.
IHO, lets see- who buys first  ;)

Modjeska Canyon is a nice place, but there's only one road in/out of the place, and fire hazards.

We've been shopping for a home near Cerritos area and it's been very difficult.  Low inventory and fierce competition.  For all the jokes about FCB's, we went to see the house in the morning, by noon it had received multiple offers, and by afternoon it had been taken off listing and we were told that unless if we made an all cash offer above asking, don't bother.

Some homes were not even avail for showing.  The seller specifies "drive by only" and sold "as is".  Yesterday, we went to see a home where the lock box was empty because the seller's agent didn't want to be bothered.  The couple open houses that we were able to go see, had multiple buyers already inside tripping over each other.

But when we go to nearby cities, Cypress, La Palma, most parts in Norwalk, Lakewood, etc., it's not as competitive.

Shopping for a home in Cerritos felt like it's 2002 again.
This is the environment the govt was hoping to create. And then all of us dummies who bought now will be left holding the bag when interest rates go up. Although I don't see rated going up that much in 5 years, after that I don't know