Homeless camps coming to Irvine

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
If the $$ is there, they need to spend it. That said, the trickle down effect of government spending will mean the $70m earmarked will likely end up having the net impact of $700,000 to help the poor - barely a 2br/2ba condo in Irvine. Where will everyone else go? Why perhaps to Judge Carter's home. I'm sure with enough Google-Fu here on the board it will be easy to burp up the magistrates home address. Anyone up to the challenge? Once in hand, let's all chip in for some Uber rides to his house. I'm in for $20. Anyone else?

There's a problem. No doubt about it. Their solutions.... aren't solving anything - merely shuffling the deck over and over and over, hoping for a miracle card to hit.

My .02c
Supervisors acknowledged that the new homeless camps ? which board members said could be tents or other temporary shelters placed on county-owned land ? could be unpopular with city officials and residents.

The three camps mentioned by supervisors could be located: on 100 acres of county-owned land just south of the Great Park in Irvine, along Marine Way; in the southeast portion of Talbert Park in Huntington Beach, and on 22-acres of vacant county land near Laguna Niguel City Hall.

If the county?s stock of temporary shelter beds is filled, the next 200 people would be located to temporary shelters on the Irvine property. If that is filled, the next 100 people would go to Huntington Beach, and the next 100 people would go to Laguna Niguel. Nelson said he expects some homeless people to move to the Irvine land but doesn?t believe other properties will be used.
Wanna know why HB, LN, and Irvine were chosen?

These Cities have the $$$$ to "share" with the County to "help" with this issue. Brea, La Habra, and San Juan Capistrano do not. Plenty of County land out there but not quite enough $$$ to make it happen.

Heck, if they were serious (and trust me,  they are not) it's about $70m or so to rehab a preexisting wooden airship storage facility in nearby Tustin, fully capable of housing about 1,000 or so indigent folks immediately.

Would this be the way to solve the problem or just create a shiatstorm of biblical proportion?

My .02c

so who else is planning on selling while the market is up and moving into one of these bougie irvine homeless camps and riding it out until the next dip in the market?!
Just in time for Cadence park opening.  Wondering if this will make it into the disclosures for this weekend?
The city should work with the county and come up with a better housing solution. Wasting tax payer dollars to sue the county only gets the lawyers rich and does nothing to help human suffering. Use the money and temporarily house the 200 people in rental units spread around the city. A much better choice than one large encampment. They should also get private partners/nonprofits/faith based groups involved in supporting these people. A city as large and prosperous as Irvine should be able to respond with generosity and humanity.
Looking at the map it's going to be right across the road from all the new baseball fields that are set to open soon.  Lots of kids in close proximity on the weekends. 

I'm assuming the homeless won't be "locked in" this encampment and if they wander off the grounds no one will be there to stop them or force them to go back in.  What better place to wander off than a nearby park. 

Fun times.  Can't wait to listen to John and Ken this afternoon.