Full size fridge or counter-top depth fridge


New member
As new homes have smaller fridge area, should i get a full size fridge (3-4 inches sticking out) or a counter-top depth fridge so that it align with the cabinets?
I went full size.  I don't mind the fridge sticking out a little, and I don't understand why I have to pay more to get a smaller fridge.
Plus I think you'll notice the lack of storage space with a counter depth.

Or you can get a counter depth and then a full size for your garage (Gangnam Style!).
Gee, I thought I was the only one who prefers a regular depth fridge. I shopped for a new one a year ago around the same time as I was designing and putting in a custom kitchen, so, I could have done anything I wanted from a regular to counter-depth to built-in. I did look at them but in the end, knew it wouldn't be practical for a family of four. I think it makes sense for a single person or a couple but beyond that, you really need the space. An exception may be if you eat out all the time, don't cook, and never entertain. There is no room for a party platter. I shuddered at the thought that a common 9x13 pan would fill an entire shelf. If you're a Costco addict, a fridge with more depth is a must. Don't forget when you reduce fridge depth, you reduce freezer depth as well. I do have a chest freezer in the garage but my inside freezer is still full. Then again, I basically live in the kitchen.
I say counter depth, unless you got a gigantic kitchen, a full depth fridge will stick out like a sore thumb... besides either way, you're gonna need to add a fridge/freezer to the garage, it is inevitable. 
Just depends on how the surround cabinets are built around the fridge area.  In my condo, I went with a standard size since there was just a large space around that area.  My SFR was designed specifically for a CD since the space was perfectly measured for a CD fridge.  It would have looked awful if I put a standard fridge in my SFR.
Definitely agree with you on paying more and getting less for the counter-depth fridge!  However, we went with a counter-depth one anyway - mainly because it fit so well with our cabinets (it almost looks like it was built-in).  Because of how our kitchen was designed and how close the island is to the fridge - we could only get counter-depth since the space/walkway wouldn't allow the door to open fully if we went with a full-sized fridge.
ps9 said:
I say counter depth, unless you got a gigantic kitchen, a full depth fridge will stick out like a sore thumb... besides either way, you're gonna need to add a fridge/freezer to the garage, it is inevitable.
+1.  Although my garage fridge is mainly filled with beer (Gangnam Style, Irvine edition).  It's an old inefficient fridge tho, I took out all my beer and disconnected it to see if it would make a difference in our electricity bill.
ps9 said:
... besides either way, you're gonna need to add a fridge/freezer to the garage, it is inevitable. 

I agree with ps9 on this one... give in to the counter-depth dark side.
Didn't want to but we also went with a counter depth.  Seems like a regular size fridge would have stuck out of the opening by like 9 inches, too much.
I guess because in most of my homes, one side of the fridge was either against a wall or a cabinet that was wider than the counter... it's not as noticeable.

I think that my full-size is short on space so a counter depth would probably irritate me more.
Having a counter depth does limit your purchasing abilities.. we've put back many big items at Costco after thinking if it would not fit in our fridge.. probably saved money and pounds.. we're still a small family and we tend to eat out more, so stacking takeout containers is not too bad in our counter depth fridge.  It really has so many factors involved.. how you adjust the shelving.. to how detailed you are in maximizing your space in the fridge (i.e. taking time to put things in there neatly versus throwing it in there).  We're still getting use to our french door fridge versus our old side by side.  I though having a bottom freezer would free up more space but we were able to store more in our old side by side freezer (this was done when we moved). 