From Irvine Family Ranchers to Irvine Company… the story

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Once upon a time, back in 1864, a savvy businessman named James Irvine I took a giant leap of faith and bought himself a sprawling, 120,000-acre ranch. This wasn't just any old ranch, oh no, it stretched a whopping 23 miles from the Pacific Ocean to the Santa Ana River.

When James Irvine I passed away in 1886, the ranch became the playground of his son, James Irvine II. He saw more than just a sheep-grazing ground; he envisioned a diverse farming empire growing everything from olives to oranges. He put on his innovation cap and brought in new farming techniques that turned the ranch into a hub of productivity.

When the baton passed to Myford Irvine in 1947, the farm-ville was about to level up. You see, the University of California was scouting for land for a brand-new campus. Myford, seizing the opportunity, handed over 1,000 acres, and voila! The University of California, Irvine, was born.

Since then, the Irvine Company has been spinning its real estate magic all over California. Their crown jewel? The city of Irvine, one of the biggest planned communities in the United States. From office spaces, retail outlets, resorts, and apartments, the Irvine Company's touch of gold has transformed California's real estate scene.

Now, about the Irvine family. Over time, they have gifted or sold off much of their land. By 1996, the last family member, Joan Irvine Smith, sold her stake. Today, the Irvine Company, once a humble ranch, is a real estate superstar. Quite the fairy tale, don't you think?

About the Author
Dar Mardan, a seasoned realtor at Pacific Sotheby's International Realty, is your guide to all things real estate in sunny Orange County. With an emphasis on informed decisions and an array of knowledge spanning real estate, tax strategies, trusts, and more. Dar alongside his talented wife, Vida, offer a comprehensive, personalized approach to serve clients' real estate needs.
