Food like, how Mom made em


New member
hey everyone, I'm looking to see if there is some one who could cook for my family; fresh home cooked, authentic Asian cuisine.  Nothing too fancy, spicy, salty; nothing that taste like anything from any restaurant.  Just dishes that you would cook for your own family.  Not to be too judgmental, but bonus points if you are 1st generation from the old country; preferably Taiwan.  So if some of your live in Asian parents have some spare time, I'm willing to pay for some dishes..!  I can even pick it up for you.

Thanks, I'm totally serious, no trolling, but I also see the facetiousness of the topic, so let the hate or flame wars begin, I can take it...
CL has these kinds of services. Personal chefs run $350 or so for a full dinner, but there are deals out there. If you pick one, let me know what your experience was like as we're getting tired of only Soylent to eat.