Food Blogs..


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Over the last few months I have begun really cooking. Because I see some of these food blogs and I think.. "OMG Its so pretty I can totally DO that" only to later find that I have overshot my skill and food presentation ability. So here are a couple of food blogs that I really admire, written by women I actually know.

<a href="">Tartlette</a>

<a href="">a journey through thick and thin</a>
<a href="">rumdood</a>

He is a very good writer, but he also has a zillion links to other food and drink blogs.
Alinea at home is a good blog in the form of the new Julie & Julia movie. She cooks her way through various cookbooks. She previously did The French Laundry cookbook.

(I once tried a French Laundry recipe. Wow, it was difficult)
I find <a href="">this blog</a> strangely interesting. The author posts up pictures of everything she eats.