Feng Shui and Communities


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Real Estates are all about locations. Locations can on flat or on a hill. Let’s discuss locations on flat land.

Flat land should never be the lowest point of the surrounding area with Hills on 2 or more sides. Water from torrential rain will find its way down to the flat land and causes flooding. Even storm drain inlet designed today requires time to take in water while the community is faced with temporary flooding. Avoid homes adjacent to water collection basin or temporary water channels when water raises it can cause flooding.

Invisible forces such as electrical and magnetic field is considered very harmful. Avoid places with visible power lines, generator, and cell phone antenna towers. These forces alter the harmony of “chi” flow in a human body.

Avoid streets with high speeds in and surrounding a community. Speed is called “Sha Chi” deadly energy. Community below a flight path is being suppressed by “Sha Chi.” Fewer companies succeed directly below a flight path. You will never find any headquarter of any fortune 500 companies below a flight path. The same applies to neighborhoods. Train tracks and monorails and adjacent freeway are also bad chi to the communities. Fast moving streets kill lives. When inside a community it can cause driver to lose control and run into a house or over children. While it is outside the community it makes driving in and out of the community dangerous. Numerous communities were not designed with deceleration lanes so slowing down to make a turn caused rear end collision. Driving out could risk getting broad side.

Homes located at T-intersection on flat land has bad chi but is extremely deadly chi if the house is at the bottom of a hill at a T-intersection. Arriving at the top of the hill is not so bad but still not good. Home at the middle of a cull de sac aligned with the road is still not good. House sited on a pie shape lot where the backyard is wider than the front yard has very good feng shui. The reverse condition is bad.

Square, rectangular, octagonal, and circular shape properties are all very good while triangular and odd shapes are not good since it is really hard to develop and house solution is often done poorly.

Lots perched at the edge of a cliff is bad (Palisade and Malibu landslide) However if the distance of the house is held back 2x the distance of the vertical cliff then the property is very good.

A community must be above and level with but never below a freeway or major busy roads.

Very few affluent communities display elements that is opposite of feng shui.

Facing water with back against a mountain is good. Facing water but at the same level of water is bad (Seal Beach high tide flooding)
<em>"Very few affluent communities display elements that is opposite of feng shui."</em>

What do you think of communities like Laguna Beach? It seems to have evolved over time with little planning, and it has a lot of odd quirks, steep slopes, etc. Is the Feng Shui mostly good with isolated instances of bad Feng Shui or is it a big mess?
"Very few affluent communities display elements that is opposite of feng shui."

-I've heard of a few developers hiring feng shui consultants but this by far not the norm and I think very rare, do you think concepts of feng shui just make logical sense from a planning and appeal asthetic stand point?
<p>Each site is evaluated for Feng Shui in Laguna Beach. There is not enough of uniformity in the entire colony to quantfy as a whole for feng shu evaluation. On the other hand the entire village of Columbus being so consistant that it can be feng shui as a whole for community while individual lots may differ slightly from one to another in its micro climate. </p>

<p>IR that is a really good question.</p>
Feng Shui encompasses nice aesthetic but parts of feng shui deal a lot with science and nature (weather, rain, solar, tide condition, gravitation pull, magnetic north) another aspect is psychology and defensible space. (color and space positioning)

Amazing info...I am going to print it out and give it to my brother, since he doesn't believe in feng shui. He almost brought a house with the stairs pointed directly to the front door.
caliguy, I was just about to ask the same question. I really believe in Feng Shui, and I wanted to find a good book on it.
<p>Laguna Beach has excellent feng shui. It faces the water with a mountain behind the community. There is an area of Emerald Bay separated by PCH. The inland side of PCH has better feng shui because it is well above the road PCH and the waterside is below PCH and it is not as good. Baldwin built his home on the water side and shortly he declared BK on Baldwin Homes. Another builder Peters also BK after he built his custom on a bad feng Shui lot along Bayshore and he sold his company to CPH. He is smarter this time building his home in Upper Crystal Cove. Only some sites in Laguna have bad feng shui.</p>

<p>Palos Verdes, Rolling hIlls, La Jolla, Carmel, and Montery all have excellent feng shui. Flat area of water edge such as Long Beach, Wilmington, Seal and Sunset Beach, Huntington, the South Bay Strand of Manhatton, Hermosa and Redondo are not as good because the absense of hills as the back of a community. Prices are cheap compared to the area with good feng shui. </p>

<p>Island and Peninsula has a whole different sets of feng shui criteria.</p>
When your stairs align with the front door put a bau gua mirror centered on the top of your front door and a crystal or wind chime hanging from the ceiling between front door and bottom of stairs. I recently did it and I double my billable invoices in this recession.
<p>Long and straight roads that defined cities have bad feng shui. Cities like Stanton, Buena Park, Cypress, Garden Grove, Hawaiian Garden, and Bellflower shared the same sha chi. Meandering streets and topography increase its pictureque quality at the same time eliminate sha chi. Short straight streets are acceptable because it does not allow enough of length to build up speed and momentum of sha chi. By curving the street helps to dissipate speed and energy. Velocity of wind is much faster along straight street between parallel houses than curvilinear street with non parallel houses. Wind is also considered "chi". It is the worst kind. </p>
Orchard Hills has excellent feng shui. I believe Asians will be interested in this community. It has an excellent balance of Ying and Yang, The nature and man made.
<p><em>>>put a bau gua mirror centered on the top of your front door</em> </p>

<p>BK, would this be on the inside of the front door or the outside?</p>
It must never be on the inside. It must be in a stationary position to reflect the evil and harmful spirits along with bad chi. Do not mount it on a moving door.
Oh, is that what it's called? A bau gua mirror? I have seen lots of those at Chinese own businesses. I was told it reflects bad spirits away? What does 'bau gua' mean?
<p>Cal Gal,</p>

<p>There are a lot of books on this subject. The two well known authors are lillian Too and Angie Ma Wong. Both are very familiar with houses. Angie is west coast based and understands So Cal than most other authors. Most Feng Shui masters are really bad authors and the good authors are mostly interior designers with feng shui exposure on their projects.</p>