February OC job numbers


New member
<a href="http://www.calmis.ca.gov/file/lfmonth/oran$PDS.pdf">The ugly PDF of the OC jobs numbers for February are out</a>.

The unemployment rate comes in at 4.3%, but if you add the 19,300 people mysteriously disappearing from the labor force (this includes self-employed) to the unemployed number, it would jump to 88,600 making the unemployment rate 5.4%. Of course, we do have some population growth and that number should be higher.

The no longer the savior of the OC job market, professional and business services, was down -1.2%. This sector is down 11,500 jobs since its peak of October 2006, or -3.9%.

The real estate sector was down, including the leasing sector. If the rental market is so hot to justify rental increases, then why do they need less employees?

I could go on, but if you look at the numbers and all the - signs with them, then you can see for yourself how ugly it is. This sucks.
I know they game the unemployment figures by not counting the unemployed who give up, but what exactly constitutes giving up? If you are unemployed for a certain duration, are you off the list? The unemployment figures could be way off if they actually counted those people who would like a job and don't have one.
There is a school of thought that unemployment numbers are way, way off, way higher even in good times. Part timers are counted same as the fully employed. Have a degree, but working as a hamburger flipper? you are employed. Given up, you aren't counted, and I too would like to know how somebody decides that Ms X or mr. Y has given up.
I find it unfathomable that unemployment in OC has hardly changed over the last 6 months. We all know there have been thousands of layoffs, and not all of these people found work yet. Perhaps such a large percentage of our workforce was self-employed that the mass extinction of income seen by realtors and mortgage brokers does not and will not show up in the unemployment figures. I don't know.
<p>My mtg/real estate agent5 buddies, who are now working selling cruises and as a legal secy, are not counted, because they are employed, and also, didn't pay into the unemployment fund and therefore were not eligible to file for unemployment. If they hadn't found jobs, would they be counted? Don't know.</p>

<p>And keep remembering how many illegals were in the contruction trades. It will interesting to see people complaining because they aren't around to spend their pittances any more.</p>