Earth Hour


New member
So did anyone go lights out for <a href="">earth hour</a> in Irvine at 8pm tonight? <a href=""></a>

Apparently it was a significant enough effort that <a href="">google</a> made mention of it. Hmmm...I wonder how much energy was actually conserved....
I hadn't even heard about this Earth Hour thing. I just started reading about it when I logged on tonight....otherwise, I would have.
<p>Is this a downsized version of Earth Day?</p>

<p>Defering your power consumption for an hour isn't going to make a meaningful change in our world. Making a meaningful change (driving less, buying a smaller car, upgrading your windows on your home, walking as primary transportation) will.</p>

<p>Good luck walking in Irvine.</p>
<p>Cycling is the way to go in Irvine...</p>

<p><img alt="" src="" /></p>
<p>Earth hour is entirely about awareness, since turning out the lights does not conserve any energy. Electricity is not created on demand; running a power generator is like maneuvering a large tanker in the ocean. It takes hours to make meaningful changes in output, so consumption is predicted in advance and power companies do their best to ensure that their output is within a few percent demand. Ideally consumption would be at 100% all the time, but because of variances they can do maybe 97%. The other 3% is wasted, as there is no way to store the energy once it is created. Brownouts and blackouts occur when demand rises above planned capacity and/or actual capacity.</p>
<p><em>Brownouts and blackouts occur when demand rises above planned capacity and/or actual capacity.</em></p>

<p>. . . or when Energy companies decide to play with energy (Enron).</p>