Earliest Housing Bubble

<a href="http://www.fundmasteryblog.com/2007/11/15/amsterdam-real-estate-is-close-to-high-point-from-1736/">Amsterdam had one that popped in 1736.</a>
<p>I think I've posted this before, but there was a fashionable street that all the tulip billionaires lusted to live on. They bid up the prices so high that only recently--271 years later, I believe, did the prices reach the heights reached in the tulip craze. So much for price recovery!! And that was inflation adjusted.</p>

<p>There was some awfully pricey real estate in ancient Rome, but I don't recall reading about any bubbles. Of course they used gold and silver as currency, debased or not depending on how good the latest emperor was. </p>
This isn't a pre-recorded history factoid, but I think some there some master planned communities/cities in Orange County that were planned or incorporated and eventually failed and disappeared. Saw'r it on the KOCE.