Don't understand box 3 of 1098


New member
I have a question on how box 3 "Mortgage Origination Date" on a 1098 is represented.

The first loan was taken out on 10/01/14.  The very first time refinance was in 2016.  The 2016 1098, box 3 reads 10/01/14. 

The second and third time refinance happened were in 2018.  Again, same mortgage on the same property with reduction in principal mortgage.  Refinanced two times in 2018.  First 1098 in 2018, box 3 reads 10/01/14.  Box 2 shows a number slightly smaller than the initial mortgage since principal has obviously decreased.  However, the second 1098 in 2018, box 3 reads 03/15/18.  Box 2 of the second 1098 shows NO NUMBER.  Don't understand that.  Is that why box 3 also shows the 03/15/18 date because its somehow thinking its a new loan now? 

Then in 2019, there were three more refinances.  First 1098 in 2019, box 3 reads 03/15/18.  Box 2 of the first 1098 shows a number slightly smaller.  Second 1098 in 2019, box 3 reads 02/15/19.  Box 2 of the first 1098 shows a number slightly smaller.  Third 1098 in 2019, box 3 reads 06/04/19.  Box 2 of the first 1098 shows a number slightly smaller.

It has always been the same mortgage, just refinanced numerous times.  Why were the 2016 and the first 2018 1098 showing 10/01/14 for box 3 but then the subsequent 1098s in 2018-2019 showing a different date every time?  Doesn't make sense to me.