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So we dont do what we did in Saigon at the end of that war that was shut off by congress. This way we got time to leave.

Simple isnt it.


Maybe we should bring a bunch of Afghan`s here to settle in Brea. We could have al little Kabul where we could get fresh goat. You just keep making the same mistakes over and over and over.

Hey. Thats called insanity.
[quote author="bltserv"]So we dont do what we did in Saigon at the end of that war that was shut off by congress. This way we got time to leave.

Simple isnt it.

Maybe we should bring a bunch of Afghan`s here to settle in Brea. We could have al ittle Kabul. [/quote]

Are you really this stupid? Somehow I keep hoping that it's all an act.
How many Taliban are in Afghanistan ?

Do they have any aircraft or advanced weapons ?

Do they have any allies ? What is the source of their weapons ?

What is the objective ?
Quit trying to dodge the question.

If the war isn't worth fighting, why commit 30,000 troops for 18 months before surrendering?

If it is worth fighting, then why are we building enemy moral by announcing surrender?
OK. Real Simple for ya.

We have an 8 year investment. A whole lot of blood and treasure
already spent.

We give Karzai time to REALLY get involved instead of just skimming. and then we leave. We give him a chance and then pull out. Cant say we didn't try.

We will keep that Bagram base. Good Soviet concrete on the airbase.

No sense on having boots on the ground. Its not buying us anything but boys getting hit by IED`s and ambushes.

You need to use your head instead of your emotions.
They serve you poorly.
I believe it was Lincoln who said that it is better to be silent and thought to be a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
What a weird response. Winex asks a question, then Bltserv answers Winex's question, and then Winex posts a quote from Lincoln?...I don't understand.....Winex is confusing me.

Is Winex saying that if he opens his mouth, he will say something stupid and be seen as a fool?

Also after reading this thread as someone who doesn't know anyone here, Winex escalated for bringing the drama.
Winex is just being Winex. He posts some lame article by Mark Steyn he got off the Register site and just runs amock.

Its amazing how the old Bush era of your either with us or against us still sticks in some mens minds.

"Your not supporting our troops if your not making sure we stay there till the end of time". "We need to avenge those that have died till the fight is over".

The problem is there is no end to the fight. The other issue is the enemy for the most part is in Pakistan with the blessing of the Pakistani Secret Police.

Here is a good one to look up.
"What's taken place in the year since Obama won the presidency has turned out to be one of the most dramatic political about-faces in our history. Elected in the midst of a crushing economic crisis brought on by a decade of orgiastic deregulation and unchecked greed, Obama had a clear mandate to rein in Wall Street and remake the entire structure of the American economy. What he did instead was ship even his most marginally progressive campaign advisers off to various bureaucratic Siberias, while packing the key economic positions in his White House with the very people who caused the crisis in the first place. This new team of bubble-fattened ex-bankers and laissez-faire intellectuals then proceeded to sell us all out, instituting a massive, trickle-up bailout and systematically gutting regulatory reform from the inside." - Matt Taibbi

Based on previous encounters with you regarding war and politics I feel as though if Bush or Cheney announced this plan you would probably be in line with what Winex is saying.

You seem to be completely anti war in Iraq and Afghanistan but because it is Obama that made this decesion you are backing it.

I think your typical war mongering line to make the Haliburton's more money is what we would be seeing if it were Bush or Cheney.

I am not against adding troops but to declare a withdrawl time frame isn't the best tactic.

Your spot on. If it was Bush or Cheney I would be doing my usual
speech on fascist dictators and the Halliburton war machine.

But cause it Obama. Going to cut some slack. He was in a pickle to support the Generals and the Moderate Left. So this is what he came up with. At least he is promising to bring the boys home. No sense in a sustained boots on the ground presence in Afghanistan. We are destabilizing the entire region. Better off paying attention to the Pakistani`s and keeping track of their nukes. Guys hiding in caves are not the top issue for National Security these days.
[quote author="bltserv"]trrenter

Your spot on. If it was Bush or Cheney I would be doing my usual
speech on fascist dictators and the Halliburton war machine.

But cause it Obama. Going to cut some slack. He was in a pickle to support the Generals and the Moderate Left. So this is what he came up with. At least he is promising to bring the boys home. No sense in a sustained boots on the ground presence in Afghanistan. We are destabilizing the entire region. Better off paying attention to the Pakistani`s and keeping track of their nukes. Guys hiding in caves are not the top issue for National Security these days.


I think this is why people get very frustrated trying to debate with you. You can actually take both sides of a fight.

On this thread you said....

So what about the war on Drugs in Afghanistan. Why is it that the Karzai government allows the production of Opium at such an unprecedented rate ? Because his family is getting rich from it....The American people are once again being lied too. This war is not about finding those that attacked us. Its about money and corruption. Its about helping a puppet government stay in power.


We give Karzai time to REALLY get involved instead of just skimming. and then we leave. We give him a chance and then pull out. Cant say we didn't try.

Which BLT do we believe? The one from the first quote or the second quote? If what you said in your first quote is correct we should not be giving Karzai time to really get involved he is just a glorified drug dealing puppet.