Does anyone know about this?

one company, 25000 plus people at one location? hmmm....anyone know this kind of one company campus exist anywhere in the states? sound too big to be true....2500 then it is possible...They are building the building or just buying a campus that hold many people? Also, Irvine is not considered south OC....I know that in Aliso Viejo you can find campus holds 2500 people, where Qwest Software is....
There are new bldg. constructions at the Jamboree exit near the 5 freeway. Also, near the Jeffrey exit. Wondering if that's what your friend is referring to.
Is this a software company building a campus? The only software companies that employ those types of number of employees are Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP. Even then most are sales and service and they are spread around the globe. Diversified companies like HP, IBM, etc who do software as a secondary business on are also spread globally. Just to compare, eBay, Google, and the like each have around 13K employees worldwide. 25K is a huge number.

If it's true, I'd imagine it'd have to be someone like Cisco wanting to move half their bay area campus to Socal, but there's no logical reason for this magnitude of a move with such little incentive.

<p>The Microsoft campus in Redmond employs ~30,000 people. The physical campus, if compressed to just MS property could fit into a typical Irvine sub-division. </p>

<p><a target="_blank" href=""><img height="300" alt="" width="400" src="" /></a></p>


<p>With enough money, you could build a state-of-the-art building complex for 25k employees remarkably fast. I watched 5000-room hotels be built in months in Las Vegas, so I doubt an IT-based business park would require years.</p>

<p>edited to add: I agree with Bubblegum; even a company like Microsoft looks for cheaper, wide-open spaces to build new projects. I'd be hard-pressed to see any current software company moving to OC unless the land was being given to them.</p>
I did not get this conversation, but from what I gather Microsoft or someone like that is moving here? If this is true, what a difference that would be in our housing economy! Hopefully this will cause a turnaround.