Digital movies


New member
So who do you redeem your digital movies with?  I'm banking my redemptions with vudu and iTunes if available.  Universal movies allow redemptions at both sites.  WB is more stingy with vudu or flixter only. 
Vudu of course. Has the best quality of any streaming service in most avsforum comparisons. Plus supports more platforms that iTunes/Apple doesn't, like Android.

Of course sound quality still sucks compared to lossless Blu-Ray.
ps9 said:
So who do you redeem your digital movies with?  I'm banking my redemptions with vudu and iTunes if available.  Universal movies allow redemptions at both sites.  WB is more stingy with vudu or flixter only.

All my digital movies are in iTunes.  Love my iPad Air.  I even download my favorite YouTube videos and put them in iTunes/iPad too.