Did anyone see the Chelsea Models in Central Park West


New member
So I was bored on Saturday and went to go check them out. OMG! if anyone wants to burn 650k to 700k on these model, I think they would be nuts. One thing, overpriced. Secondly, horrible models. I saw one where I had to walk up 3 yes, 3 flights of stairs to get to the living room and kitchen, then there was another flight of stairs to get to the upper bedroom. I mean, come on, I like to exercise but carrying in groceries an walking up that thing 4-5 times a day would be a pain. What happens when someone knocks on the door, is anyone going to really walk down 3 flights of stairs to open it? come on. Terrible design and terrible resale values.
Ahhh reminds me of my first condo. From the garage there were about 20 stairs to climb. Would not call it a spiral staircase, but it sure felt like it. I can tell you that kind of living gets really old, really fast.

As for the demographics? Kids can't afford them, Mom and Dad won't put up with the climb, and Grannie isn't going to be able to get up those stairs EVER!

Since the Titanic has left the dock side, it's time to abandon ship, bulldoze these homes, and try again with new floorplans.

My .02c
USCTrojanCPA said:
They should have included a private elevator for each unit.  ;)

Well. I mean seriously....What happens during Trick or Treat...kids ring the doorbell, am I going to run down 3 flights of steps every time. I'm not sure what the hell Lennar was thinking. ARe they that dumb?  I mean, you must admit, people pay the high prices in Irvine because of the Schools...well, Santa ana school district? Plus, if you have little ones, do you really want to climb 3 flights all the time? And what about 7 bags of groceries every week?

I can almost guarantee you that these won't sell. Plus, i think resale will be horrible here.