Churches popping up in Irvine...

Just to weigh in as someone who studies this stuff. . .

"There are many families in Irvine and intact families have more of a tendency to attend church."

Any ideas on marital satisfaction in religious vs. non-religious couples? Yeah. . . the more meaningful demarcation in couples that stay together vs. divorce has to do with how much of a dirty bird you will be for divorcing in the eyes of your church/cult/culture, etc. Sorry!!! So, what makes a couple stay together has much less to do with happiness and much more to do with the pressures of socially constructed norms within the context of "church" or "tradition."

I will say though, that the church, in encouraging people to stay together, does practice what it preaches (providing pre- and post- marital therapy) and that, perhaps the people who are willing to take advantage of this will be happier in their relationships. Of course, non-religious people who are willing to work on their relationships also tend to seek help and get the benefit of it as well. Hmm, I wonder who does better marital therapy though, someone in the church or the board-certified clinical psychologist who's had multiple internships with thousands of hours of experience and supervision in that discipline.

Brief course of Marital Therapy over 12 weeks: Probably at least a grand or two.

Divorce: You'll burn though a grand or two between your two attorneys within the first week.

Oh wow, again, prevention is cheaper than a cure. Who knew?

(ISB: currently building a single- and couples therapy group at his job. . .)
ISB well said. I agree church, strong families & the church support is great for reinforcing strong families, which I believe is the core unit of society. Unfortunately divorce rates here are incredibly high. Marriage is great, but have to work through the problems, not just throw in the towel. Most wedding vows / comittment state "for better or for worse". I feel sorry for the kids who go through divorce, and not having what I believe they so desperately need: a full time Dad and Mom. They didn't sign up for this.
Many people believe in the concept "a family that prays together, stays together". I don't have any statistics to claim this is true or false, but will make a general assumption that faith and spirituality will bring a family closer.

I have several friends who married Catholic girls, and were required to attend pre-martial counseling. In these sessions they ask questions like "ok, who's going to do the dishes? take out the trash?". From their description it's very pratical, and I think these classes are a good idea.

As for Churches popping up here and there and their tax exemption status, I'm mostly neutral on the subject. Some people complain about increased traffic and parking issues on Sundays, but that's just 1 day out of the week and the other 5-6 days, the Church generates very little traffic.
My defensiveness is due to the harsh judgments laid down on me and "my kind" by people who don't even know me. I am raising my son in a "broken" family, and therefore I am a deficient mother. I don't belong to a cult/religion, therefore I am amoral. It just seems that everything I read lately is blaming women like me for poverty, disease, and global warming. Guess I'm a little sensitive. Plus, I have a cold and my head is spinning from having to take my son to the park when I really just wanted to curl up in bed with some orange juice. Okay, pity party over.

<p>Anyone who would judge you should get a life. What you do is hard work and you still have a great sense of humor about it. Good for you.</p>
<p><em>"not having what I believe they so desperately need: a full time Dad and Mom".</em> </p>

<p>Mediaboyz, that is just an ignorant statement. I'm a lesbian and many of my friends are same sex couples. They parent their children just as well as mine parented me. Are you telling me they'll be worse off because they don't have a "dad" ? Get off your high horse.</p>

<p>And for the record, my family never went to church. We are well adjusted and my parents just celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. </p>
And while I'm still feeling "ranty", might I add that the past President Of The United States was raised by a single mother.

<p>Why the need to be "ranty"? Everyone wants and looks for the same things; to be liked, respected, and accepted. Any odd behaviors are just facades!!!!! </p>
The churches here make out like bandits. People donate well. Multi million donations from a single party are common.

BTW, when our home purchase was published in the newspaper, we got a few solicitations to join a church at our doorstep. These weren't the standard door to door types, they specifically target new home buyers. As if the mortgage payment wasn't enough misery.

what kind of church is the one on jeffrey and bryan?

it looks to me so far we have confirmed there are 4 types of people:

people who go to places of worship and come from broken homes.

people who go to places of worship and do not come from broken homes.

people who do not go to places of worship and come from broken homes.

people who do not go to places of worship and do not come from broken homes.

they should make wristbands that say WWJD: YMMV
<strong>biuniu </strong>- correct, the church on the corner is a new building for The Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints: <a href=""></a>.

This will be the 2nd church in Irvine that I am aware of. There is another by Woodbridge High School.

Years ago I thought Irvine had a restriction on the number of churchs a denomination could have in the city, this must have changed.

<strong>acpme </strong>- Funny the type of people that go to church, I think you have all the bases covered. I like that saying WWJD....another good one is CTR = Choose The Right.

<p>The only reason I know is because I was at the park with my kid and this elderly gentleman came up to me and started to shoot the breeze. We got to talking about the neighborhood and he mentioned that the mormons apparently own that parcel of land. Not sure how that changes things from a restriction standpoint though.</p>