Cedar Wood Deck Flush to the Ground


New member
Has anyone ever seen or done something like this to their backyard? I'm still trying to decide on a hardscape for my San Mateo home and I just can seem to make up my mind.

I really like the aesthetics of wood. It's very warm and rich. I am definitely up for suggestions though.

This is more like what I am looking for. The Maricopa backyard was very cluttered.

I would recommend the faux wood (vinyl) since it is for decking. Better maintenance and looks pretty close.

You won't have to worry about termites, fading, rain, sealing, etc etc.

But I know that some prefer natural wood.
This is what I have with my back yard.  I only did the CA room.  Pressure treated wood that has been stained, nothing special since it's mostly covered and doesn't need heavy duty weather proofing of IPE or teak.


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It's a great look.  I think you just need to worry about rain and drainage.  If the land slopes away from the deck and it's covered, then it's probably safe.  But if it's not covered, or there the land slopes toward, then I think the deck will be constantly sitting in a pool of water.
gaogi said:
This is what I have with my back yard.  I only did the CA room.  Pressure treated wood that has been stained, nothing special since it's mostly covered and doesn't need heavy duty weather proofing of IPE or teak.

YES! That's what I want! Do you mind sharing who your contractor was?
Jason the Artist

Yes, plan 2.  I haven't submitted for approval yet eventhough I've been here since around apr.  I think I am the only one who hasn't done backyard.  Resident here are very fast when it comes to doing their backyard.  Is it raised (meaning, you'll have 1 or 2 feet gap underneath the deck)?  If hoa allow that, I want to get the deck too (only if they permit it to have gap underneath) because it looks cool to have small pond by the raised deck 
JasonTheArtist said:
@ gaogi

What stone did you use in the surrounding areas?

I used Galvan Landscaping, he did many yards in Stonegate.  His workmanship is so-so, but his price is pretty good.  If you're picky about small details, you should find someone else.  The stone is travertine.