Buyer's Agent for New Construction?


New member
Hi All,

A local realtor has suggested that if we allow him to represent us in the purchase of an existing inventory new construction we're looking at, he'll kick back ~30% of his commission to us for that purchase.

However, we previously on our own gave a deposit check to the builder (when we thought we were about to sell our house before) for the home we wanted (and still want). Does our having visited the sales office several times and having had a sit-down with the sales rep. there (and given the now-returned deposit) mean we can no longer allow an agent to represent us if we were now able to go back and purchase the house? I read that that's generally the rule, but I was wondering if anyone knew whether the current state of the market would make the builder more flexible w/ that rule.


<p>If you keep in mind that the purpose of the homebuilder paying a realtor is to "generate the lead"...steer someone into a new property, then it is compeletely understandable that they won't want to pay if this didn't happen (beyond obvious in your case).</p>

<p>One defensive strategy is to never sign in or give any personal info to the new homebuilders if you are browsing. If something catches your eye, you *might* want to make a run at it, they pay a broker's fee, and you have a broker that will rebate (go for 50%, not 30%), come back with the broker and make it official.</p>

<p>A broker I spoke with said occasionally, you can ask to be removed or "age off" an interest list and after some downtime (probably a month or two), re-state your interest with broker in tow and be eligible for the commission.</p>

<p>There is a seperate debate on whether individuals can actually negotiate for the commission offering...</p>

why use an agent and get only 30% of the commission when you can just deal with the builder and get 100% of the commission. most builder will give 3% out of there marketing budget. tell them that you want that 3% somehow and work something out. i am sure they will deal with you. i got my 3% in a form of window shutters. but i ran into the cap where they said that they can only give 6% but tell them to help you out and this and that and i am sure you can get something done. the builder are hurting. if you wait until their year end, they are more willing to deal. right now they still have time to find that next sucker.