"Bushism" of the day

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All right. Well, a lot of those folks, your employer it's estimated would see premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent, which means they could give you a raise. - Barrack Obama
[quote author="daedalus"]Wonder if they just couldn't make fractions work on the teleprompter.[/quote]

LOL! I guess that's possible, but how do you explain this Bushism from the same speech:

"And she upped her deductible last year to the minimum [sic], the highest possible deductible."
This one goes back to the election, but it is too good to ignore

"Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go." - Barrack Obama

It's even worth a special video tribute

It's time for a Vice Presidential Bushism

"God rest her soul"  - Joe Biden referring to the still very much alive mother of Irish Prime Minster Brian Cohen.
Remember that one Bushism that was the best?  Shoot, I can't remember it exactly, but it was something about going to war in Iraq to make us safer.  That was so funny!  It made me LMFAO.
Hi Tim, obviously you are a little unfamiliar with the concept.  A "Bushism" is a term describing some malapropism of speech.  When Obama says that costs are going to be reduced by 3,000%, it's Bushism because it's not possible to have a cost reduction of 3,000%.  When President Bush said that there were national security reasons to take out the leader of a terrorist nation who had literally launched thousands of attacks against our country, it really does make us safer.

Anything else I can explain for you?
winex said:
Hi Tim, obviously you are a little unfamiliar with the concept.  A "Bushism" is a term describing some malapropism of speech.  When Obama says that costs are going to be reduced by 3,000%, it's Bushism because it's not possible to have a cost reduction of 3,000%.  When President Bush said that there were national security reasons to take out the leader of a terrorist nation who had literally launched thousands of attacks against our country, it really does make us safer.

Anything else I can explain for you?

Having a bad day?
winex said:
Hi Tim, obviously you are a little unfamiliar with the concept.  A "Bushism" is a term describing some malapropism of speech.  When Obama says that costs are going to be reduced by 3,000%, it's Bushism because it's not possible to have a cost reduction of 3,000%.  When President Bush said that there were national security reasons to take out the leader of a terrorist nation who had literally launched thousands of attacks against our country, it really does make us safer.

Anything else I can explain for you?

Oh, I just assumed Bush misspoke when he talked about us being safer because we aren't.  And when he talked about Iraq having WMD, cuz they didn't.  And when he linked Iraq with 9/11 since Iraq had nothing to do with it.  And when he called himself a conservative but increased the size of the federal government.  And when he called himself a conservative but greatly increased the federal deficit.  And when he paid for the Iraq war through "emergency" appropriations bills instead of putting the money in the real budget.  That one seemed like he might have done it so his real budget wouldn't look as awful as it really was.  But he wouldn't do that, so I assumed that was a kind of Bushism in action rather than just words.

But thank you for explaining to me how we are so much safer.
Stuff It said:
winex said:
Hi Tim, obviously you are a little unfamiliar with the concept.  A "Bushism" is a term describing some malapropism of speech.  When Obama says that costs are going to be reduced by 3,000%, it's Bushism because it's not possible to have a cost reduction of 3,000%.  When President Bush said that there were national security reasons to take out the leader of a terrorist nation who had literally launched thousands of attacks against our country, it really does make us safer.

Anything else I can explain for you?

Having a bad day?

No, but thanks for asking.
winex said:
Stuff It said:
winex said:
Hi Tim, obviously you are a little unfamiliar with the concept.  A "Bushism" is a term describing some malapropism of speech.  When Obama says that costs are going to be reduced by 3,000%, it's Bushism because it's not possible to have a cost reduction of 3,000%.  When President Bush said that there were national security reasons to take out the leader of a terrorist nation who had literally launched thousands of attacks against our country, it really does make us safer.

Anything else I can explain for you?

Having a bad day?

No, but thanks for asking.

Criticisms of President Bush and the Republican Congress for spending too much money are valid.  But if you voted for Democrats for reasons of fiscal conservatism, I'd like to know how that hopey-changey thing is working for you.
winex said:
winex said:
Stuff It said:
winex said:
Hi Tim, obviously you are a little unfamiliar with the concept.  A "Bushism" is a term describing some malapropism of speech.  When Obama says that costs are going to be reduced by 3,000%, it's Bushism because it's not possible to have a cost reduction of 3,000%.  When President Bush said that there were national security reasons to take out the leader of a terrorist nation who had literally launched thousands of attacks against our country, it really does make us safer.

Anything else I can explain for you?

Having a bad day?

No, but thanks for asking.

Criticisms of President Bush and the Republican Congress for spending too much money are valid.  But if you voted for Democrats for reasons of fiscal conservatism, I'd like to know how that hopey-changey thing is working for you.

I think Bush can be criticized for more things than just the budget - there was a minor thing called the Iraqi war and the lack of WMD. And no I didn't vote for the Democrats - but then again neither did I vote for the Republicans
Stuff It said:
winex said:
winex said:
Stuff It said:
winex said:
Hi Tim, obviously you are a little unfamiliar with the concept.  A "Bushism" is a term describing some malapropism of speech.  When Obama says that costs are going to be reduced by 3,000%, it's Bushism because it's not possible to have a cost reduction of 3,000%.  When President Bush said that there were national security reasons to take out the leader of a terrorist nation who had literally launched thousands of attacks against our country, it really does make us safer.

Anything else I can explain for you?

Having a bad day?

No, but thanks for asking.

Criticisms of President Bush and the Republican Congress for spending too much money are valid.  But if you voted for Democrats for reasons of fiscal conservatism, I'd like to know how that hopey-changey thing is working for you.

I think Bush can be criticized for more things than just the budget - there was a minor thing called the Iraqi war and the lack of WMD. And no I didn't vote for the Democrats - but then again neither did I vote for the Republicans

I'll be more than happy to debate the reasoning behind the Iraq war with you.  But I suggest you educate yourself a little bit first.  A good starting place would be President Bush's speech to the UN on September 12, 2002.

You might also want to research the thousands of attacks on the United States from Iraq between 1991 and 2003 and the failed assassination plot against a former US President.
?I am very optimistic about ? about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration.?  - Joe Biden
"You know uh ..... I ... I thought that ... uh .... you know ... The truth is a lot of the Cubs I like too! But, uh ... I did not become a Sox fan until I moved to Chicago. Because I uh .... I was growing up in Hawaii so I ended up actually being an Oakland A's fan."  Self proclaimed White Sox fan Barrack Obama in response to a question of who is favorite White Sox player is/was


"It's like the back of the refrigerator. You see all these wires and the rest. All you need to know is, you open the door. The light goes on. You open this door, you go through a whole different path, in terms of access to quality, affordable health care for all Americans."-- Nancy Pelosi
"We found ourselves in a hole that I didn't dig, but I have dug, dug and dug to try to get out of that hole."--Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nev.), Oct. 22