Brits conned in US Shares scam....


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Britons 'conned in US share scam'

<strong>A father and daughter have been accused of tricking 15,000 mostly elderly British citizens out of more than $70m (£34m) by selling worthless shares. </strong>

<p>Investigators allege Paul Gunter, 58, and daughter Zibiah, 25, from Florida, sold fake shares in 50 dormant firms. </p>

<p>The pair have been charged with money laundering, mail fraud and securities fraud, US officials said. </p>

<p>If found guilty, they could face up to 25 years in prison and a fine. They are due to appear in a Florida court later. </p>

<p>The BBC's Andy Gallacher, in Miami, says it is thought the Gunters hijacked the identities of the dormant, publicly traded companies and used high-pressure sales techniques to sell worthless shares to British investors. </p>

<p>They are believed to have started the alleged scam in early 2005, US investigators said. </p>

<p>Deputy chief inspector Robert Wishart, head of the money laundering unit at City of London Police, said the arrests were part of an ongoing investigation into a "mass-marketing crime scam known as boiler room fraud". </p>

<p>In a statement released by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, he added: "Thousands of British people have fallen victim to this crime - in this inquiry alone, we estimate that around 15,000 mostly elderly people have lost money." </p>

<p>He said the arrests demonstrated the power of international collaboration to bring to justice those suspected of crimes, even if based overseas.</p>

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Published: 2008/03/13 21:12:26 GMT


I think they're more pissed at their own Government who announced today that they are going to rob them in a worse way, Beer is going up to over $6 a Pint and Cigarettes are going up to $12 a Pack. Staples have really gone through the Roof there!!