Best April Fool's Day Jokes


It's A Wonderful Time To Buy and/or Sell (anything that creates a commission)


You can't lose with real estate! It only goes up. After all, they aren't making any more land. It doesn't matter what you pay, you'll make it all back in appreciation soon. Why be a jealous bitter renter, throwing away money all your life? You'll never have any EQUITY, which is a very special and magical thing, not at all like money you might make from other investments. You don't need to do any math, just BUY. Don't worry about debt. What's a million dollars more or less? Think of the tax deduction. (But don't do any math!) Where ever you are, that's where real estate is special, and will never be affected by downturns. It's just supply and demand. And location, location, location. Everything is selling for way more than asking price, so if you don't buy NOW, you'll be locked out forever! Your wife won't love you if you don't buy a house right now. Better increase your bid, because there are so so many people ready to take away your future HOME. Think of it, all warm and snuggly, home. No place like home. Just sign the damn check, and let your loving and trustworthy realtor fill in the price.