Banking Groups Seek Suspension of `Fair Value' Rule


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Fair value ``is an accounting issue that's too important to be left just to accountants,'' former SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt said in an interview today. Economists, academics and regulators from outside FASB, in addition to accountants, should be involved in considering a new approach to fair value, he said.


Oh my god, all these people are so arrogant...

What investor in their right mind would want to invest in ANY bank when fair value rules are suspended? Would there be even any point in reading any of the SEC filings at that point?

I've never seen such a blatant attempt from organizations to try and screw their shareholders over by hiding the numbers from them as much as possible. The banks really are stuck in a "us vs. them" mentality.
I can't wait to claim $2200 next April for this December's annual donation to Goodwill of a cardboard box full of worn-out undies. Well, maybe I should take inflation into account and claim $10,491.31