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Found at Seafood city market in Cerritos:

<a href=""></a>

Look near the veggies and fruits section. I'll be blunt:

<strong>If you don't know what it is, it's better if you don't look it up.</strong>
:sick: Why couldn't I leave well-enough <a href="">alone</a>?
How about a picture?

<img src="" alt="" />
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1258102542]:sick: Why couldn't I leave well-enough <a href="">alone</a>?</blockquote>

You beat me to it!! Yuck!!!!!!!
I saw someone eat Balut.. Man! that was the worst day of my vegetarian life when he explained what Balut was while eating it with his eyes closed.

His argument was, when people eat chicken, what was wrong in eating Balut..

Oh well.. guess I am pro-life.
Way back in the 80's I stayed in Manila with a family for about 3 months. I went to sleep every night listening to the loud calls, "BAAALUUUT, BAAAALUUUT" from the street corner. It was very common for the local men to grab some balut from the street vendors in the evening. While spending an entire summer in a third world country was a very daring thing to do, there is no way I could be daring enough to try it, despite daily requests from the locals that I do it. I heard stories about how you had to pick feathers out of your teeth after eating it if it wasn't "the good stuff". So very disgusting.
These days you're not likely to find many balut sellers in tourist areas, unless if they're all hiding from me. I was in Green Belt area of Makati, hopped around from Manila to Quezon, and flew to Boracay. Did not find one street balut seller. @_@;; Next time I'll try to visit Palawan and Cebu.
[quote author="momopi" date=1258119630]These days you're not likely to find many balut sellers in tourist areas, unless if they're all hiding from me. I was in Green Belt area of Makati, hopped around from Manila to Quezon, and flew to Boracay. Did not find one street balut seller. @_@;; Next time I'll try to visit Palawan and Cebu.</blockquote>

Momo, are you saying you actively went searching for this stuff?