awgee burger

The text:

NYC restaurant offers $175 burger topped with gold

Tuesday May 20, 4:41 pm ET

Wall Street-area restaurant offers $175 hamburger, topped with gold and foie gras

NEW YORK (AP) -- A Manhattan restaurant is offering a hamburger that costs $175 and is topped with gold.

It's made of Kobe (KOH'-bay) beef. It comes with black truffles, foie gras (fwah-GRAH') and Gruyere (groo-YEHR') cheese in addition to gold flakes.

Wall Street Burger Shoppe co-owner Heather Tierney thinks of it as "a work of art."

Tierney says the item attracts Wall Street types who down a few beers and then fork over $175 to show off to their friends.
"It's made of Kobe (KOH'-bay) beef. It comes with black truffles, foie gras (fwah-GRAH') and Gruyere (groo-YEHR') cheese in addition to gold flakes."

Hilarious, they even provide pronunciation assistance.
Is it just me, or does that sound disgusting?

P.J. Clarke's has the best burgers in Manhattan - simple and absolutely delicious. I am a big mustard, onions, pickles guy and the only way to eat these is as they come - meat, cheese and bun. My personal favorite is The Cadillac - with bacon.
One of the theories of aging and death is the slow accumulation of heavy metals in the body. It is known that heavy metals are toxic in large quantities. Personally, I can't imagine eating gold (although years ago I did some shots of <a href="">Goldschl?ger</a>.)

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[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1211366410]One of the theories of aging and death is the slow accumulation of heavy metals in the body. It is known that heavy metals are toxic in large quantities. Personally, I can't imagine eating gold (although years ago I did some shots of <a href="">Goldschl?ger</a>.)

<img src="" alt="" /></blockquote>

Well, you did upgrade from the bicycle helmet to a tin foil hat, so at least you have improved since then.
[quote author="green_cactus" date=1211376543]Gold is non reactive - drink up on your Schlager.</blockquote>

<a href=""><img src="" border="0"/></a>

Yep, no problems for me so far...
In other news, kobe beef burgers can be had at Opah in Tustin Marketplace for less $.

Make sure to ask for medium rare.