Avenue Q: Schadenfreude


New member
<p>So I spent all day Saturday (including Oktoberfest) wearing my "got schadenfreude?" IHB t-shirt, which was fun. </p>

<p>Then Sunday my husband and I went to the Ahmanson theater in LA to see "Avenue Q." I had purposely avoided listening to the cast album so that all the jokes would still be funny, so I nearly fell out of my chair when this song started (Warning! Adult lyrics!):</p>

<p><a href="http://www.cayci.com/music/16%20Schadenfreude.mp3">Avenue Q: Schadenfreude MP3</a> </p>

<p>Note: since the forums seem to be having an issue, you may need to cut and paste this link. I also can't speak for what software will be used to play the mp3 on your computer.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.lyricsondemand.com/soundtracks/a/avenueqlyrics/schadenfreudelyrics.html">Schadenfreude Lyrics</a></p>