Anywhere BUT Irvine

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
whatever said:
ZeroLot said:
If I need shopping or groceries ... There's always Amazon and Amazon Fresh.

I was thinking of starting a mobile grocery truck like the kind they have in Santa Ana and East L.A. (,0,7683856.htmlstory#axzz2tn4oaK00) for those who dread going to the supermarket but it would specialize in non-ethnic food.

I miss the days of when the grocery peddlers came around on motorcycles and bicycles through the neighborhood every morning.  Now that was FRESH and straight from the farms.  Too bad they don't do that in the US.

My favorite peddler was the fish lady.  She always gave me free small fishies to play with if I was awake when she came around.
I am about to start a local farmer market with all produce harvested locally in Irvine's Village of Columbus.

whatever said:
ZeroLot said:
If I need shopping or groceries ... There's always Amazon and Amazon Fresh.

I was thinking of starting a mobile grocery truck like the kind they have in Santa Ana and East L.A. (,0,7683856.htmlstory#axzz2tn4oaK00) for those who dread going to the supermarket but it would specialize in non-ethnic food.
irvinehomeshopper said:
I am about to start a local farmer market with all produce harvested locally in Irvine's Village of Columbus.
Possible names:

TCE to Table
Toxic Joe's
Questionable Choice Market


Another Appendage Sprouts (AKA 3rd Leg Grocery)
whatever said:
irvinehomeshopper said:
I am about to start a local farmer market with all produce harvested locally in Irvine's Village of Columbus.

You're too late with that idea.  The Incredible Edible Farm is set to debut at the Great Park.  There's nothing better tasting than fresh vegetables grown on toxic military waste.

Oh my. I hope they don't try to sell their produce at the farmers market and label it as organic.
V- organic

ZeroLot said:
whatever said:
irvinehomeshopper said:
I am about to start a local farmer market with all produce harvested locally in Irvine's Village of Columbus.

You're too late with that idea.  The Incredible Edible Farm is set to debut at the Great Park.  There's nothing better tasting than fresh vegetables grown on toxic military waste.

Oh my. I hope they don't try to sell their produce at the farmers market and label it as organic.