Anyone use or know someone who uses Kindercare?


New member
I'm moving to Irvine soon and enrolling my son in Kindercare.  With a referral, the referring family and I can each get $200 off tuition.  A rare win-win.  Please send me a message so we can coordinate.  I think I may just need your name and maybe your child's.
Welcome to the forums newbie, if u don't mind me asking which kindercare?  And also what was ur reason fr picking it?  I'm also looking into preschool for my child, but found the task very daunting in the Irvine area. 
My son is actually an infant, so I didn't look into the preschool side of things when I chose Kindercare.  If you do a search for preschools, there are certainly no shortage of posts about the preschools in Irvine.  I think there are lots of different schools of thought about them.  We chose Kindercare because of the location and we liked the atmosphere.
This first step is a crucial one. One tiny mistake in selection of a good school a child on could miss the Ivy League opportunity and his future is doomed for life.