Any chance Fiber lands in Woodbridge?

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Hi hi-
I live in Woodbridge and love the area - but I really am tired of Cox. I know people in villages north of the 5 are getting Google Fiber added; anyone know if that'll get replicated in Woodbridge. Several months back streets were getting dug up by cable companies, but haven't seen anything new come of that.

Ask your HOA reps to see if there are any discussions about it. I know Woodbury recently added and Cypress Village is going to add this year as well.
Those new neighborhoods have fiber optics planned and installed when they were built.  Woodbury, Cypress Village, and such all have had AT&T Fiber for a while.  Some of them have Google Fiber already, Stonegate and Orchard Hills, while some are in the middle of getting it.

I believe it's really up to HOA to set up with AT&T or the company who owns the right to install Fiber Optic in the old neighborhoods.  (Somehow I remember a lot of Irvine Fiber are actually owned and installed by Socal Edison.)  Then City has to approve it, and construction takes time too.  It will take a long while till Woodbridge gets it.

On top of that, DSL connection also sucks in Woodbridge.  Sadly, the most reliable one for Woodbridge resident is still the cable.

Earlier in June, I believe City Council had this broadband improvement discussion on Zoom.  Didn't see any news and updates about that discussion.
Cypress Village apartments had fiber lines not the homes. Google Fiber will cover the homes that don't have AT&T Fiber at the moment. They have to put in new infrastructure to get Google Fiber.
I always see people saying it's up to the HOA but never explain the reasoning behind it. Can anybody explain why it's up to the HOA (at least for SFR areas)?
This is to my knowledge, but if someone else knows this matter better, please chip in...

usually, the underground infrastructures are owned, managed, and maintained by the HOA.  To be able to lay the new fiber optic, HOA has to be involved.  Then to initiate the process of laying the fiber, there are couple methods that I can think of.  First, you can ask the ISP to do so, but it costs ISP a lot of money, so it could be better to gather HOA to show them that we have this many residents who are interested in signing up your service, please come and upgrade us to fiber.  Otherwise, it is less incentive for ISP to prioritize your neighborhood before others.  Another way is... HOA can talk to the utility line company to lay the fiber beforehand (at the cost of homeowners), then once fiber are ready.  Talk to ISP, then they can upgrade the hub.  2nd method is faster, but it costs home owner money.  1st method takes time, and somehow HOA has to convince ISP that it will get a lot of subscribers.

note: I think in Irvine, fiber infrastructure is installed by Socal Edison. https://go.edisoncarriersolutions.c...1aa541f1|e01c1f32-4b29-4d23-ab1c-71b87c86ca62
Cypress Village went back and forth for over a year over liability and legal issues regarding the fiber. I think they wanted Google to take the burden of all repairs and liability and vice versa. So yea it is very much an HOA issue.
I've seen work crews earlier this year digging up the road along Culver near Woddbridge. Maybe fiber is coming sooner than later.
I have seem some activities on walnut with working puling orange conduits that's typically used for fiber.

Not sure where is it for, but as a Green Tree resident, I really can't wait to be able to dump COX.
Cox owns the city council and Irvine. No chance you will have a different or faster option unless you enjoy the AT&T service through the phone lines.
Kangen.Irvine said:
Cox owns the city council and Irvine. No chance you will have a different or faster option unless you enjoy the AT&T service through the phone lines.

That is not entirely accurate. If that?s the case, our Woodbarely community wouldnt have Google Fiber. Before Cox was the only player but now there is competition. It is just a matter of time b4 GF starts its infrastructure in Woodbridge.
Kangen.Irvine said:
Cox owns the city council and Irvine. No chance you will have a different or faster option unless you enjoy the AT&T service through the phone lines.

My fiber through ATT is awesome.  No issues there.  Consistent 950+ up/dl with their gigabit service.  Obviously not in Woodbridge, but once other companies start putting in fiber in other areas of Irvine, Cox will need to be more competitive. 
MY place has either cox, which went down AGAIN last night in the middle of the night.

or a 50 mbps ATT.

5G or a stable starlink can't come come too enough for us to say up yours to Cox and change our internet service provider, maybe that will finally get Cox or ATT finally get off their ass and do something.

Cox must also really have the Irvine City members by the balls if they are able to have a monopoly in high speed internet for this long.