Anecdotal Evidence of Scaled Down Christmas Shopping Plans

<p>I started this thread to share some anecdotal/empirical evidence of severely scaled down shopping plans for Christmas by some of my friends and colleagues. The theme appears to be "no presents for adults"...</p>

<p>Colleague #1: Upside-down on a townhome in South County bought in Dec. 2005 at the peak. Facing a short sale and cash crunch due to being over-extended by house payments that increased due to first ARM reset, and a huge property tax bill, decided to limit presents to their only child, and a couple of other kids in the extended family. No presents for adults.</p>

<p>Colleague #2: Normally frugal - decided to go cold turkey on presents. We'll see how she holds up. Also stated - no presents for adults.</p>

<p>Parent #1 at my child's pre-school: Also upside-down on a recent home purchase in Irvine (do not know for sure if there are any other financial issues). Said their family decided to limit to small presents to kids in the extended family, and have a traditional family dinner at home, instead of the expensive steakhouse they are used to going for the past several years. No presents for adults.</p>

<p>Parent #2 at my child's pre-school: Newer VOC residents. Look "overstretched" and sleep deprived. One small present for each one of their two kids. No presents for adults.</p>
<p>Maybe like in the Grinch stole Xmas cartoon, people will finally figure it out this year, it's not a holiday all about spending $. It's a holiday about spending time with family and friends, and caring for them. Don't go to the mall and spend $500 on presents. Go to the grocery store and buy $20 worth of baking supplies. Bake the cookies with your kids instead of dragging them to the mall. Give the kid decorated cookies to adults and teachers alike as presents. It's a lot more Christmas fun for the kids. And the recipients know what to do with them (ie. eat them) instead of "Where do I store or return this?".</p>
My family has done no presents for adults the last two years.

But in our case it wasn't financial circumstances, we're all doing fine there. We're just revolting against needless consumerism.

But it is fun to buy presents for my nieces and nephews.
<p>Anon, </p>

<p> I've had a good year, double promotions, 15% bonus (big for me), the apartments are operating in the black, paid off credit card (still owe a little bit on the other two). I've always been about doing family things, spending time, laughing having fun and enjoying our time together. </p>

<p>Maybe its because my parents were teachers and when my father passed away he left my mom with only bills (disabled diabetic - two amputations, etc. etc. etc.). We worked hard and when he passed we were left with LARGE bills (and school bills and regular bills). Lots of times we gave each other gifts that they NEEDED. Which is what I still do today and you'd be suprised just how many people recognise you small but useful gift (part of being an engineer and researching the need in the first place).</p>

<p>I wonder if people are reducing their gifts due to their own financial pressures or because the entire country seems to be in a depressed shopping mood. When you keep hearing about recession and other such news, even financially sound people might not feel like throwing money on tons of gifts.</p>

<p>Personally, my friends and I stopped exchanging gifts long time ago but not for financial reasons. Rather, we realized we can buy the stuff we want and need instead of giving each other crap.</p>

<p>These days, most of my friends do a small gift exchange for the fun of it. It is more of a challenge on how much you can get for the predefined spending limit. Most of the time, its $20 and the real fun is impressing each other with our ability to make the most of it. I remember last year, someone brought an IPOD shuffle that they were able to score with a convulated deal that cost them less than $20! Its quite fun sharing the experience of how we managed to find our deals with each other as well.</p>
<p>RKP, </p>

<p> That's kinda a cool idea. I usually give gag gifts at that point or I go in the opposite direction and get them a something like a Grocery card, restraunt card or a gas card. Something that is completely usable to not exactly glamorous.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I like it, it's not about what it's worth, but what value it brings to someone.</p>

<p>Guitar Hero is so much fun. Got it as a gift for my BD and I keep playing against my friend on multiplayer mode (need 2 guitars). So much fun!</p>
One big signs that consumers are slowing down is that stores are staying open much later to attract additional shoppers...I stopped by ToysRUs at the Marketplace and the cashier told me they were open until 1 am! Several Macy's across the country will be open 24 hours to entice more traffic. Crazy, isn't it?
<p>This year, tho the decorations went up very early both in Miami and the space coast, they were rather ho-hum. To me, store decorations should be totally over the top, and not installed until Thanksgiving. And I think the stores thought it is solely spending season, and not a season of good cheer, with some gifts thrown in, I think that thought is beginning to backfire.</p>

<p>After all, the whole point is to cheer us up when it's dark, tho there's much less of that both here and there. Happy Winter Solstice Day everybody!!</p>

<p>And for you Christians, I understand that nobody knows when Christ was born, so Saturnalia season was chosen, the church understanding that nobody likes to give up a good party!!</p>

<p> </p>
Maybe there will be a big surge of People like myself who have done zero Christmas shopping...

First thing I need to do is buy myself a neq Laptop because mine finally died the other night...

But look,I work for one of the few Businesses that is actually booming in Irvine..I haven't had time to do any shopping...but that's ok..Ive been trying to prop the economy up and luckily 70% of our products are exported..we're just overwhelmed..

So later on today when I recover from working (again) today I will go and support some local Businesses and spend a few grand at the District..

C'mon lads and Lasses...dont let me do all this alone!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all...

Let's have some FUN!

This could be our last Christmas!
<p>Peter, Hahaha! You are a brave one. Waiting at the last minute and all. Good luck with finding parking! </p>

<p>I will wait till it's late like 9 PM. Hopefully, the crowd have died down alittle at South Coast Plaza.</p>
Well, I have a bit of a dilemma, I don't know what to get my Wife for Christmas, it's a choice between:

1. Chocolates

2. an IWC Watch

3. Porsche Carrera

4. Tiffany Jewelery.

I think I'll get Her the Chocolates.